Text 1- Prologue

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(y/n) pov
I felt great. I was starting my new school, Today! I can't believe it. I guess I could say I had butterflies in my stomach. What am I saying?? I did have butterflies in my stomach. I should introduce myself. Hi I'm (y/n). I'm 22 and starting in a new college called SKY university. I've moved recently and have seen good reviews about this place. I'm studying in Medication to achieve my dream goal. Becoming a sergeant. I'm quiet shy. My hair color is (y/c) and my eyes are (y/c). I get told that people fall into day dreams when they stare into my eyes.
And now,
I am currently sprinting. I forgot... To set my alarm this morning. I moved into my apartment on the Sunday night and had school on the Monday 😓. The toast in my mouth was getting soggy and I could feel myself falling asleep. Did I mention the fact I didn't sleep for the fact I was filling in forms for my new part time job. Now I'm standing in front of my School. The gates were massive. I felt so.... Mind blown I guess. I take my first step into the school. I felt my footing get loose. I was falling forward. How even? Great my reputation was wreaked and I haven't even made it in the school. Instead of hitting hard cement, I fell into something squishy.
"Are you ok?"
I look up. A boy with Dreamy lavender eyes and bleach blond hair stood where I was falling.
I pick myself back up. Blushing. Even worse then hitting the cement. I wanted to run back to my apartment.
"Hey, my name is Yoosung, what's yours? I don't think I've seen you around..."
I look up surprised.
"(Y/n). my name is (y/n). I'm new. And I'm studying for medication. For a fact I need to find the subject leader. Can you help me?"
I couldn't even look him in the eyes. I felt so embarrassed.
I felt myself jump a bit. He started walking. I followed closely behind him.
'Yoosung' what a nice name. He is so lucky. He gets to breaks a girls reputation. My reputation.
"How old are you?"
He asks while turning around.
he looks up then back down.
I felt myself jump again.
I reply. I was surprised with myself. He looked shocked too.
"Um 21?"
I smile.
He looks even more shocked.
"You have such a pretty baby face what even?"
I felt my face go up. Like red. Bright bright red. He looked away too.
"Sorry! It kinda slipped out."
His face had a slight blush to it. He stopped walking. I turn around to see him look all depressed. He must be thinking hard about this.
"You are 22."
My smile widens.
"I'm not taking any other answer!"
He says after quickly.
"Well you are correct."
He jumps. The door he was in front of swings open. Making Yoosung jump with some cat like reflexes
"And what can I do with you mr Kim."
He points to me.
"Oh well isn't it (y/ln) ((last name btw)), glad to see you showed up 2 minutes before the bell."
I look down. Handing him the forms.
"Well lucky you're with Mr Kim here as his doing the same course as you."
"Ok thank you sir!!"


I pulled my bento.... My store bento. I was following Yoosung around like a lost puppy. While scrolling through my phone I found a YouTube video my favourite youtuber, Zen! I watch a couple of his videos. Might I add Yoosung had to stay back for some "extra lessons" this man. His voice. His eyes, his face. They all looked perfect. Saving his YouTube contacts into my phone I waited for Yoosung to return. Oh how I wanted to meet Zen in person!


What even is life. It's 5 in the afternoon and I'm at a coffee shop drinking the strongest stuff they have. Study doesn't sound so good for me. A hand gets hit down in front of me... On the table.
"Madam I have to ask you to leave, there is a meeting getting held here."
I look up to see a man in a suit. Behind him had a lady also very highly dressed.
"Oh ok!"
I got up and moved. The girl had a card in her hand that she gave to me as I walked past. On the back had a phone number 82) 10-4720-#@ZZ. That's all, nothing else. Maybe I should ring it later? I started to sprint home from the cafe. I trip over in a side street that leads straight to my house. This time I hit concrete. But I heard laughing. "Oh god I wished I recorded that!"
I look up to see a guy with red hair and Yellow and black stripy glasses holding a hand for me to grab.
"Where's my thank you oh mighty great cat lord?"
I look at him a bit dumb found.
"Thank you 'oh mighty great cat lord.'"
He jumped a bit with excitement.
"So you're (y/n), my names Seven."
I look confused.
"Seven.. As in the number 7?"
"Yes, I have another name but it sucks balls!"
"Which is?"
This guy is annoying me.
"Luciel because Satan loves me."
I say my thanks and almost run off.
"Hey how did you know my name?" He stops and turns around.
"How did you know what I looked like too?" I then turn around. He is gone. Running down the road.... Ok creep. I felt a bit more stupid.

I could finally lie in my apartment. And now I realised how much crap I need to put away. I couldn't be bothered to move. I have 5 boxes of unpacking. I pulled out phone out of my pocket looking through apps a phone call comes through.
"Hello? Oh (y/n) thank god you answered, it's me, Yoosung, I want to meet you some some coffee tomorrow morning, I have a friend who wants to meet you called Zen"
I froze for a moment.
"How did you get my phone number?"
He freezes
"have to go now, bye"
"No. Wait!"
the phone call hangs up. Dragging myself out of bed I walked to the kitchen to make dinner, well pull my bento out to defrost.


I sat in the most ugly Christmas sweeter. It was green and yellow... Yoosung came running in with the youtuber (Zen) and The red head. Seven he called himself?
"Hey (y/n) sorry we're late, luciel wanted to come so badly."
I stared at Yoosung, how did he get my phone number?
"If you want to know about the phone number ask seven."
I look at seven who was drawing on the napkin a cat. Zen sneezes.
"So zen, nice to meet you, I'm (y/n)" he smiles "hi (y/n) my name is Hyun, call me Zen if it is easier."
It was when the realisation hit me. This is the actor youtuber!! This man for years I watched behind a screen. I felt cold sweat down my back. I finally ordered coffee. Sipping my coffee Seven pulled faces in front of me. Beside me sat Yoosung. I felt a bit off about seven. He wouldn't stop staring at me.
"Hey dude, school!"
Yoosung grabs my hand and runs.


The thought of Seven wouldn't leave my mind. His comments throughout the cafe break were playing on my mind. I could feel Yoosungs eyes watch me from time to time. I felt so embarrassed. Why would someone like Yoosung stare me down?? I wrote my notes down about Nerve cells into my Book and watched the clock very carefully. Our teacher gave us a essay task due in 4 days. I wanted to cry.


I got home as soon as possible. No one around. Thank god! I was up to my last 3 box of unpacking. My old photo album of my parents was in here. I still wish they were around. If only I knew at the time how to treat their wombs when the murderer broke into the house on my 17th birthday. I felt some water escape my eye as i placed it on my shelf with important items, like my High school badge. I wasn't too long after I finished packing everything away I heard knocking on the door. I carried my baseball bat (I had bad past experiences with these things.) and unlocked the door slowly. To my surprise it was someone.... Who got my address how? Seven stood in front of me with a grin on his face.
"Um? How did you know I live here?"
His grin turned into a bigger goofy smile.
"I'll let you on to a little secret. I'm a hacker."
Dropping my bat, I slapped Seven across the face.
"Why are you stalking me?"
I asked.
"You look fun!"
I could feel my face about to blush.
"Can you go away?"
Seven walked past me into my house, dumping himself on my couch.
"Don't wanna!"
He had my phone in his hand.
He looked to be downloading an app. I checked out what he was doing. To me, it wasn't that interesting. I was going to walk away to get drinks but Seven pulled me back. Making me fall on the couch.
He handed my phone to me.
"Well, I wanted to ask this, there's this organisation I work for, called the RFA. Rika said we need another person to join. She asked me to ask someone. So I picked you. Because you know all the members. Besides V and Rika of course."
I felt a bit puzzled.
"Oh I've already signed you up to the website, don't forget to check the chat rooms often."
I pulled myself off the couch. Dragging seven by the collar and out the door.
"Good night."
I say in a bitchy tone, slamming the door behind me.

Little did I know how much my life would change by joining this chat room. Little did I know how badly I would fall for... Well him

Prologue done! You pick who 'him' is please!!
On, I'm currently obsessed with this game, so......

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