Slight Changes

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3rd Person POV

   Lucy and Natsu made their way to Makarov's office, Natsu's hand fiddling with strands of Lucy's now red and blonde hair.

   "This is actually a good look for you, Luce," he said, smiling. Lucy blushed and brought a hand up to her head.

   "It's just weird," she murmered, "and why is it red?" Natsu shrugged.

   "Well, Romeo said his hair changed color when he hugged Wendy, so, like we said earlier, we can assume that yours changed when we...kissed," he replied, a light blush dusting his cheeks. Lucy nodded and continued walking.

   "Master?" She asked, knocking on the door to his office.

   "Come in!" A voice called from the other side of the door. Lucy pushed the door open and she and Natsu stepped inside.

   "Ah, I see the changes have already begun," Makarov said, gesturing to Lucy's hair.

   "The same happened to Romeo," she said, placing a hand on her hip, "but why? Romeo said he hugged Wendy, and I, uh, kissed Natsu." She blushed, and Nastu plastered a toothy grin on his face. Makarov nodded.

   "Yes, that sounds about correct. The  chosens' hair will change color, generally to the color that represents you Slayer's magic. Lucy, your hair contains red, generally referencing to Natsu's fire, and you said Romeo's hair changed as well?" Lucy nodded. "I assume then it's a grey, or perhaps a blue?" She nodded again.

   "Yes Master, actually both, but why did our hair change color?" Lucy asked. Makarov leaned back in his chair, his hands folded on his desk.

   "The next stage begins when the Slayers and their chosen share a moment of love, a connection that states that they are ready to become one with each other. You and Natsu kissed, and then your hair began to change color, so that indicates that your love for each other is blossoming." Lucy and Natsu looked at each other and smiled.

   "And," Makarov continued, "even though Romeo and Wendy are still slightly younger, I have no doubt that their love for each other will grow stronger every day, whether they'very recognized their true feeling or not."

   "Awww!" Lucy and Natsu teased, laughing.

   "Now, what was it you wanted to speak to me about?" Makarov asked, leaning towards the couple.

   "Uh, well," Natsu started, rubbing the back if his neck. Lucy interrupted.

   "Sting and Rogue went crazy on the Sabertooth guild, and Minerva tried to stop them, but ended up getting the crap beat out of her, and now all five of them, including Yukino and Kagura, are unconscious in the basement with Wendy and Romeo," she spoke quickly. Makarov's eyes widened, and he hopped out of his chair and headed towards the door.

   "We need to get them and their chosen into seperate rooms before they wake up," he said, heading out the door. Natsu and Lucy quickly followed behind.


   "So, Mira, wanna go to the hall?" Laxus grumbled, flopping onto one of the cots in his room. Mira shrugged, leaning up against the opposite wall.

   "It doesn't matter to me. Personally, I'm going to step out. I need to use the bathroom," she said, turning to leave. Laxus quickly sat up and shot past her, down the hall, and into the girls' bathroom.

   "OUT!" Laxus's voice echoed through the guild. Mira tried to catch up, arriving in time to see the last of the bathroom's occupants flying out, some screaming and flailing their arms, and she was pretty sure a few were crying.

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