Awkward Situation

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3rd Person POV

   Lucy took off towards Fairy Hills in hopes of finding Levy and Gajeel. Luck was on her side as she saw the two exiting the building, Levy slung over one of Gajeel's shoulders and a knapsack over the other. Lucy jumped in front of them, and Gajeel halted, waiting for Lucy to catch her breath.

   "Hey, Makarov wants us back at the guild for some sort of meeting? Yeah, he says it's really important!" Lucy exclaimed, patting herself on the back for saying an actually believable excuse. Well, believable enough for Gajeel.

   "Okay, Gajeel, back to the guild!" Levy piped up from his back. Gajeel nodded and followed Lucy back towards the guild, where they were met by Romeo.

   "Romoe! I was just coming to look for you!" Lucy exclaimed.

   "Well, my dad said that he wanted to go on a mission with me today, and I was supposed to meet him here an hour ago, but I...kinda slept in?" He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously. Lucy smiled.

   "Well, he's going to have to wait a little longer, because I need you to come with us!" Lucy reached out and grabbed Romeo's vest, pulling him into the guild along with Gajeel and Levy.

   "Hey! What's the big idea?" Romeo said, obviously annoyed, but Lucy ignored him and continued to Makarov's office. When they four stepped inside, they were greeted by the stares of Mira, Makarov, and the other Dragon Slayers.

   "Ah, excellent," Makarov cleared his throat and folded his hands on his desk. "Now that you're all here, I should probably explain what's going on." The group huddled around Makarov's desk, each with a confused or worried expression on their faces.

   "Wait a second, how'd I get here!?" Natsu's startled voice piped up out of nowhere.

   "That's exactly what I was about to explain," Makarov muttered. "You see, now is the month in which you Dragon Slayers will choose your mates. I have gathered the people I feel you have already chosen, knowingly or not, and ask that you all listen to me as I tell you this." The group remained silent as Makarov continued.

   "It's the beginning of the month, so the side effects will start out small, but will soon grow to extensive levels if not properly watched. For example, right now you may be worried or overly protective over your chosen one, but soon, you will begin to grow extremely violent towards anyone who even dares look at them.

   "Something else you should know is that towards the end, you will gain an immense increase in your powers. They will become almost incontrollable as your lust for you chosen grows. You will need to be with them every second of the day, otherwise going absolutely insane with need. I hate to inform you, but, during this stage, you will need to be chained up. It will help you contain your destructive powers while they grow and start to consume you. They'll eventually die down, and during that time, you are to... Mate with your chosen."

   The group all stood around his desk, eyes wide and moths gaping open in shock and horror. Makarov rubbed his temple, indicating that he wasn't finished.

   "Now, Wendy, dear," he muttered. Wendy stepped past Romeo, slightly shaking.

   "Y-yes, Master?" She stuttered.

   "This will be hard for everyone in this room, but for you and Romeo, it will be much more drastic." He said, glancing from Romeo to Wendy.

   "What do you mean, Master?" Romeo asked, his strong voice wavering lightly.

   "Since you and Wendy have just recently become...mature I'm sad to say that Wendy must also take part in Mating Season. If not, she will suffer the same consequences as the others."

   Romeo gulped, and stepped back.

   "Why is it more extensive for Wendy and Romeo, though, Gramps?" Laxus's deep voice boomed from the back.

   "Well, like I said, they've recently matured. You all have grown accustomed to you powers, and use them as a strength. Wendy has yet to learn how to keep her powers as well as her strength in control. Since her becoming of age is so recent, all of the effects of the season will be much stronger and more painful for her, and, being female, it will be much stronger during'certain week'. That being said, you two will need to take extra precautions."

   The room remained dead silent as Makarov finished explaining. Wendy had tears dripping down her face, Natsu was staring blankly at Makarov, Gajeel kept looking between Levy and Makarov, Lexus just stared at the floor with a worried expression on his face, and the girls and Romeo glanced at each other.

   "Now that you know, I think you understand what you have to do," Makarov broke the silence. "There won't be a noticeable warning as to when these stages will begin or end, but all I can say is that you stay together and BE CAREFUL. Actually, scratch that," he said, pounding his fist onto the table, "I want you all to stay here in the guild. I will set up the infirmary, and you will all stay here until the month is over."

   He looked around the room at the group. They all slowly nodded in agreement and filed out of the room. Makarov followed behind shortly after and headed towards the infirmary to invert it into a suitable living space. As they all went out to pack up their things, they couldn't help but wonder just how bad (and awkward) this next month was going to be.

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