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Lucy's POV

"I guess so..." I told Mirajane after she had asked me if I was doing okay. "Hey, what's on your mind? Are you feeling okay?" I sighed. "Yeah...its just..." I trailed off in thought. Mira looked at me confused. "Just what Lu?" I sighed again. "I don't know, it's just something's missing. I don't know." I said letting my eyes drift to the floor. Mira looked concerned, I gave her a sheepish smile.

Mira smiled at me half-heartedly and fixed me some juice. "Mira?" She snapped from her thoughts and stared me down. "Yes dear?" She asked with a smile. "Am I weak?" Mira smiled at me with a small laugh. "No, Lucy. You're a part of Fairy Tail. You are very strong." I nodded with a small smile, feeling slightly better.

I watched as Natsu spun the chair towards him with an angry expression of his face. He hovered over me, placing his arms either side of me on the counter that was now behind me. I was now eating my words faster than Natsu could say "I'm all fired up". I gulped. "Lucy, you are stronger than any girl I've ever met." A tear rolled down my cheek. "Don't you ever say something like that again! You are a part of the worlds greatest guild! You are a wizard of Fairy Tail! And as long as you're a part of this guild, that will never change! Not ever!" I bit my lower lip as he stayed hovering over me for a little too long. He got off me and smiled, "So why don't you try smiling?" I smiled as I blinked away the tears before they could fall. Natsu took a seat beside me. "Hey, I'm gonna go home. I'm really tired." I told them as they nodded.

I may be in Fairy Tail, but my powers are much weaker than all of theirs. They don't know how it feels to be one of the guilds weakest members, to be an outcast.

Tears streamed down my face just as I had stepped outside of the guild. Just when I thought I was safe to let out my emotions, something grabbed my wrist. I turned around to meet faces with the pink haired boy I had grown to admire a bit too much. I looked at him ashamed of my tears, he wrapped me into a heart melting hug.

"Lucy..." I sniffled. "I can't help it-" I broke down even more. "Lucy..." He said my name again as tears streamed even faster. "Lucy, what's wrong?" I dried up the tears so I could try to talk again. "I want to be strong- like you-" I cried even more as Natsu backed away a little so he could cup my cheeks in his warm hands. "But you are, you are so strong." I shook my head as Natsu did his best to wipe the tears as they flowed rapidly down my face. "Look at me, I'm pathetic. Crying over my own strength, it makes me even weaker." My voice cracked at the word weaker. Natsu smiled at me. "Weaker? Don't be silly. I'm not the poetic type but, Igneel once told me when I was a bit smaller, balling my eyes out not to be ashamed, because even dragons hide their fears, but share their tears."
I cried harder as I buried my face into his neck, I loved his scent.

"Natsu-" Tears blurred my vision. "You're a good person, don't let anyone tell you different." He looked at me with a questionable gaze. "Natsu...save me a spot at our table okay?" He looked at me as if he couldn't believe his ears. "Natsu I'm leaving the guild, and when I return, I'll be stronger. I'm going to train until I finally reach my goal. And then I'll come back home." My eyes widened in shock as tears fell down Natsu's face. "Lucy! Don't leave me please! I'll go crazy without you! Who's gonna Lucy-kick me into walls? Who's gonna yell at happy when he looks at your books? Who's gonna go with me on jobs involving perverts? Who's gonna- be there when my scarf gets blown away Lucy?" I wiped away his tears and smiled at him with the best and kindest smile I could give him. "Natsu, I'm coming back." He put his hand over mine. "And when I return, I'll return with my Fairy Tail pride, and I'll return with a smile." He sniffled as he brought me into a hug. He quietly whispered in my ear, "You'll always have a spot at our table." I nodded in his shirt, "I believe you Natsu, I believe in you." He smiled as I spun around and waved goodbye to him.

Goodbye Lucy Of Fairy Tail.


Tear. Tear. XD DID YALL LIKE THAT?! Eeeee! Super excited for this fanfiction! I'm going to enjoy writing this one! Tell me what you thought! Did it make you cry? Not gonna lie I geared up a lil writing it •.•

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