Chapter 12

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Sarah Palmer was talking to the Arbiter when Locke and his team returned.

"Everything is prepared." Arbiter said. "We will begin when the Constructor is ready."

"Halsey said the calibration could take days." Sarah responded.

"Then we will begin without it!" Arbiter replied. He didn't say it way too angrily. Just kind of.

Locke spoke up when Arbiter was done speaking. "Commander? Mission complete. Doctor Halsey has the Constructor."

"Good work, Osiris. Once Halsey has the Constructor sorted, Arbiter's people can move on Sunion, and I'll get her off world."

Locke went to Halsey.

"Osiris! Come look at this." She called a bit seeing Locke, as she raised her right arm, and only arm up. "I'm using this Constructor to upload the recording from Meridian into the Constructor. Make sure you're ready when I give the signal."

"Standing by Doctor." Locke responded.

"Get comfortable. It could take hours before-" She then noticed something. "I take it back! It's heading for Sunion! It's moving towards the Guardian!"

"Arbiter! It's time!"

Everyone got ready as the ships and the teams were leaving. Arbiter was giving a short speech to his men that were on the ground with him.

"Today the Convent will fall! Sangheilios will be free!"

The Sangheili roared, which was how they cheered.

The teams went into Arbiter's ships as they headed to Sunion. Vale was talking to Xere since they became friends. They talked until Locke spoke up, then Osiris got together.

"Osiris. Form up." He then looked at his team. "Everyone ready?"

Buck spoke up, "Actually... Tanaka. If I could ask a favor... would you say a word or two?"

Tanaka smiled thinking quickly on what to say. Then she spoke up, "Come a long way together. Long way yet to go. Let's make a good jump like we mean to," She smiled as she said the last part. "And handle fools like we need to."

"90 seconds to insertion point." A Sangheili announced to everyone.

Tanaka continued, "And may Buck buy the first round when we get back."

Buck laughs softly to himself smiling.

Vale smiled too as they all put their helmets on and go get read to jump out.

Buck then spoke up as both teams were outside waiting for the right time to jump, "If we get through this, I'll buy the whole darn bar."

After riding in the ship a little longer, as the Swords killed lots of the Covenant who were on the ground, Locke spoke up talking to his team. "Fire team Osiris," They wait for a little longer then, "the light is green." Osiris, Arbiter, and his small group that was following him jumped out of the ship.

"Swords of Sangheilios, with me!" Arbiter said to his team.

Xere was one of the ones who came with Arbiter.

Arbiter continued, "Target the air defenses! Clear landing zones! For Sangheilios!"

A Sangheili spoke up repeating and agreeing with the Arbiter, "For Sangheilios!"

Locke saw a air defenses, "There's the first of the air defenses. Push forward. Take it out."

They fought until it was all clear.

"All clear. Disable the air defenses. Target either the canon itself or the power supply." Arbiter said. Then he spoke to Osiris. "Spartans, the Guardian is at the far end of the city. There are more anti-air emplacements in that direction..."

Locke replied to Arbiter, "We'll clear out all air defenses as we go."

"Good luck to you, Spartans."

"And to you, Arbiter."

Arbiter talked to his team now, "Swords of Sangheilios, today Sunion will fall, and with it, the Covenant!" The he started leaving, "To me brothers!" Xere and the other Swords followed Arbiter as Arbiter climbed a wall while using his sword to help him up.

Xere went to his ship as he helped his team in the air.

"Swords of Sangheilios! All ships report in!"

"Havoc on station." Siqtar Two replied.

Lar leader spoke up next, "Onslaught on station."

"Revolution on station." Jardam Leader responded as well.

"All ships, focus fire on Covenant air forces! Send them crashing to a watery grave!"

Not too long later, Osiris got the first air defense down. "Spartan Locke to Swords of Sangheilios. Air defenses down on my position."

Xere replied to Locke, "Confirmed, Spartan. Sending air support."

A few minutes later, Osiris destroyed another air defense. "Swords of Sangheilios, another cannon down on my position."

Xere replied again once more, "Affirmative, Spartan." Then he talked to his team again. "All ships, the Spartans have opened more airspace. Move in and make your presence felt!"

Xere spoke to Osiris a few minutes later, "Spartans, what is your status clearing the torrents."

Locke spoke, "Standby. We're on it!"

A minute later the cannons were offline.

"Arbiter, cannons offline in our position."

"My troops will arrive and secure your position. Move in towards the Guardian. You must reach the Master Chief in time."

"Copy that, Arbiter."

"Spartan Locke. Come in."

"Mahkee. Hello again."

"Air defenses still protect the skies between you and the Guardian. Too many for me to ferry you to your destination. You need another path. At your location there is a passage to Sunion's undercity, which will allow direct access to the Guardian."

"Thank you Mahkee."

A minute later, Osiris found the elevator and pressed the button to take them down.

"Arbiter." Locke said to Arbiter through the comms. "We're heading to the undercity. I want to warn you. Before the Guardian jumps to slip space, it sets off a series of concussive blasts. If you move your ships out of the way in time, the Covenant will take the burnt of it."

"Victory and honor do not grow from timid Sears, Spartan Locke. Your harvest shall be grand. When you see the Chief again... Tell him I send him m greetings."

"I will indeed, sir."

Xere smiled a bit to himself thinking about Sarah as he started to kill the Storm Covenant ships again.

Sarah smiled a little to herself as she thought of Xere. She remembered when he kissed her. His kiss was gentle and soft. Something she wasn't completely used to. Though it felt... Nice.

She kept her focus again as she was still trying to protect Halsey as she was in the back of the Pelican, and Sarah was driving the Pelican.

(Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Been busy with school, and other things.)

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