Chapter 1

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How could I have been so stupid?

How could I have believed that we'd really have forever?

Forever to live.

Forever to love.

Forever to be happy.

Forever is a lie.


January 17th 8:24 am

I awoke to the quiet breaths of Harry. Soft, subtle breathes. Never too long, but never too short. His chest rising and falling as he breathed in and out. I watched his face, his eye brows lightly lifting and dropping with each breath. He was like a angel. Something that shouldn't be on earth, but some how managed to be. His face looked like it was something that the gods had crafted out of gold. Like they had spent hours just crafting him. Taking their time as they worked. His eyes were the colour of dark jade and his lips were red as a rose. And his hair dark brown with ringlets that swoop over his forehead. He really was beautiful. More beautiful than day. More beautiful than night. He was breathtaking at the least. He softly moans and opens his eyes.

"Morning." I say as I run my hand through his hair. His eyes close briefly to my tender touch.

"You're still here." He moans. I love his voice, espeically in the morning when its so deep and raspy.

"I'm here." I whisper. For some reason he thinks that one day, when he wakes up I'm not going to be here anymore. That I will just pack up and walk away. He never use to be like this. He never was, until we found out. Until our lives went down hill. Until every chance of happiness we had left, went out the window with every chance of hope the doctor gave.

"Good." He lets out a sigh of relief.

It pains me to think that he'd ever think I'd leave him. But maybe he knows me better then I know myself.

"Would you like some breakfast?" I ask, knowing he'd always say yes. It gives me a chance to clear up my thoughts and pull myself together, while I wait for him to come down.

"I'd love that." He smiles. But its not a full smile. His dimples don't even show.

"Something wrong?" I ask knowing for a fact what the answer will be. He'll never admit somethings wrong even when it is, because he doesn't want me to worry more then I already do. I wish he'd just realize that no matter what he does I'll always worry.

"No. I'm fine. Promise."

I lay there for a minute starring at the ceiling wondering where this all went wrong. Why was Harry cursed with this? Why wasn't I? Beautiful people aren't suppose to hurt. They aren't suppose to be sad. People like me deserve things like this, not Harry. As I make my way to the door I hear Harry clear his throat. I know he's going to say something so I wait.


"Yeah?" I ask some what hesintent.

"I love you." The words I long to hear also break my heart in two, because I know after he's gone I'll never hear them again.

"I love you too Harry."

"Forever?" He asks, the desperation in his voice kills me.

"Forever." I say, even though I know it's a lie.

Forever is a Lie- A Larry Stylinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now