Dipper's Crush

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~(Dipper's POV)~
I woke up before (Y/n), which I'm glad I did. I don't want her to think I'm a creep or something. I walk out of the attic or should I say our "room" to work at the Mystery Shack. I walk out to bump into Wendy my crush.

"Hey Dip." Wendy greeted with her usual smile.

"He-hi." I stutter facepalming myself mentally.

"So what's up, are you going to a mystery hunt without me?" Wendy questions knowing what I think.

"No I'm not going on a mystery hunt." I answer coldly.

I walk away after that, I can't talk to Wendy or go on another mystery hunt after what happened last summer. "I can't believe I told my crush I loved her, ugh it sounds creepy even in my head." I walk outside to clear my head, but I couldn't all I can think about was (Y/n). She has beautiful (h/c) hair and glorious (e/c) eyes. In that moment I knew what I felt for (Y/n), I like her even though we just met. I can't tell her about the journal to protect her, but that was last summer everything that happened in the past can't happen again or can it.

~(Mabel's POV)~
"I have to try to get them two love birds together but how is the question." I continued walking to Candy's house to meet up my two favorite people in the world.

~(Dipper's POV)~
I know what I have to do, I have to tell (Y/n) my feelings towards her even if it kills me. I can't stand someone else taking her from me.

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