Mystery Shack

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~(Y/n) POV)~
Well, now I know that my parents don't care about me and that I'm living with my friends for the summer. It's not a bad thing but I don't want to barge in like this. I grab my phone, plug in my earbuds, and put on my favorite album Death Of A Bachelor by Panic! At The Disco (A/N I'm sorry you don't get to choose your own song, it's because I'm listening to it right now and I couldn't help myself.) I then begin to lip sync to Hallelujah and bob my head.

"Hey (Y/n) what are you listening too." I turn my head to see them staring at me.

"Oh, I'm just listening to Panic At The Disco," I answer their question.

"What's that." I barely hear Mabel ask.

"Oh Panic At The Disco."


"Well, Panic At The Disco is a band I like," I answer her question with a smile.

"So your emo?" Dipper asks.

"Well, you don't have to be emo to like Panic At The Disco, just because I like it doesn't mean I'm emo. To answer your question yes I am well a little." I explain feeling a little hurt.

"Can we-" Mabel was about to say before Dipper interrupts.

"You mean you," Dipper says looking away.

"Can I listen to your music (Y/n)." She asks shyly.

"Sure why not." I smile to the thought that one of my friends actually want to listen, "Want me too put it on speaker?"

"YESS CAUSE THEN DIPPER CAN LISTEN TOO!!" Mabel technically screams.

"Sure why not." I grab my earbuds and unplug them from my phone and put it on speaker.

(Song Lyrics To Victorious)

"Tonight we are victorious, champagne pouring over us, all my friends were glorious, tonight we are victorious,"

I and Mabel start bobbing our heads while Dipper tries covering his ears.

"Double bubble disco queen, headed to the guillotine, skin as cool as Steve McQueen, let me be your killer king, it hurts until it stops, we will love until it's not, I'm a killing spree in white"

"Eyes like broken Christmas lights." I sang and Mabel humming the theme.

Mabel and I continue bobbing our heads until the music stops. We turn around to see Dipper had turned off the music, he did not look happy. So we just sat quietly in our seats not saying another word, but Dipper did hand back my phone.

~~(Time Skip brought to you by Brendon Urie)~~

We finally arrived at whatever you call this "Mystery Hack" wait never mind "Mystery Shack" just noticed the fallen "S".

"Well, kids your all living and working here for the summer and no buts." Grunkle Stan says.

"Where are our rooms." Asks Mabel.

"There are only two beds so one of you guys are going to have to share one bed and no funny business." Grunkle Stan winks while saying that.

We all follow Grunkle Stan to the attic, I personally didn't think we would live in the attic. I didn't want to be rude so I offered the twins if they would like the bed and that I will sleep on the floor. After hours of looking for the bathroom, I finally found it and change into (f/c) gym shorts and (f/c) shirt. I walk in to see Dipper shirtless, I turn around, and run out of the room to the living room.

~(Dipper POV)
I kind of feel bad for (Y/n) she was only trying to have some fun, but she needs to understand we don't listen to that type of music.

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