Chapter 4 : Dreaming

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"Hyung do you think jungkook will like it" Yoongi asked

"I know, I would like it. so he will." Jin assures him. But in reality he is just tired of walking around the mall for 2 hours and Yoongi still hadn't decided.

It had been a whole month since the duo met amd had been going on dates on a weekly basis, but yoongi still hadn't given the younger an answer to his original question.

Being his boyfriend.

"I wish namjoon was here to carry me ,this blows." Jin mumbles as he massages his calves.

"What?" Yoongi asks raising his eyebrow

"Just hurry " Jin whines.

"Okay then" Yoongi said as he went to the cashier to buy it.


"So is that all you've planned?" Asked Jin when they where on the car on their way to yoongi's home.

"Is it to simple?" Yoongi asked pouting

"No, okay yes, but it's cute." Jin admitted.

Yoongi grunted "kill myself."

"Chill, you're driving and if you kill yourself I'll probably die too and I'm too young die" Jin says as he continues to text Namjoon.

Yoongi sighed and remained silent for the rest of the drive.

As usual namjoon and Joseok were already in his room eating junk food.

"Hey that took longer than expected " Namjoon pouted as he reached for Jin. Placing his hands on Jin's waist.

"I know yoongi drives like a grandpa." Jin complained.

Yoongi was too tired to reply back.
"Hey I was going to ask why are your things all packed up except your bed and tv? did your mom kick you out ?" Hoseok asked as he munched on his carrot that was dipped in ranch.

"No why would she ? I'm simply moving out I'm grown enough. I mean i have a job and about to finish college"
Yoongi replied as he made hoseok scoot over and layed down on his crowded bed.

The truth is his brother Jihoon caught him the other day smooching with jungkook. He was too emberassed about getting caught.

"Oh nice, do you have an apartment ready ?" Asked namjoon.

"Yah" Yoongi mumbled.

"So when are you taking Jungkook out for the date?" Hobi asked.

"Today at 8, and could you all shut up I'm trying to nap?" Yoongi asked as he tried to get comfortable in his bed.

"It's 6 shouldn't you get ready ?"Hoseok said as he accidently dropped his carrot with ranch on yoongi's hair.

"Oops" he laughed as he slowly pushed yoongi off his bed.

Yoongi mumbled a lot of incoherent things that were mostly just cussing out hoseok.

He got up and glared at hoseok and went to his bathroom and started the shower.

"You fuck tarts better have left my room clean and be out of this house when I'm done showering" he said as he opened a box and grabbed clothes.

"Yeah,whatever lil meow meow." Jin waved him off.

Yoongi sighed and went to shower.

When he walked out of the shower he found his room empty and clean.

He smiled and started to change.
As he finished putting on his shirt.
He started to get nervous butterflies in his stomach.

What if jungkook didn't like it ?
Jin had said it was simple.

He shook his head and decided to not think about it.
when he was done he walked down to his brother Jihoon making cupcakes.

"What day is today?" Yoongi questioned since none of their families birthdays were coming up so there was no reason to bake anything.

"It's February 3" he smiled

"Oh shit for real?" Yoongi asked. Bearly noticing that it was February. With always doing homework and working his shifts he didn't have time to know what day it was.

"Yes, I'm practicing for Valentine's day" Jihoon laughed as he gave a cupcake to his older brother.

"Oh , thanks and give me another one please" Yoongi asked so he and jungkook could eat the cupcakes together.

Jihoon nodded and gave him another "see you later" Jihoon said to yoongi but not bothering to look up

"Yeah see you " replied Yoongi as he walked out the door and into his car.


Yoongi and Jungkook where on a random park in Seoul, looking at the stars cuddling together and a few blankets underneath and on top of them.

"Here" Yoongi said as he gave jungkook a necklace.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow but got it regardless. It read 'be mine?'

When he read it he smiled and looked at yoongi had his own necklace that read 'i'm yours already.'

Jungkook looked at yoongi that was blushing.

"Is this your answer to the question I asked you when we met ?" Asked jungkook just wanting to see his marshmallow boyfriend flustered.

"Yes, you dipshit" replied yoongi

Jungkook started laughing since that wasn't the reaction he thought he was going to get. Although he did forget that yoongi may be a marshmallow but he is also badass.

"Okay good" said Jungkook as he placed his lips on yoongi's pink soft lips.

Yoongi put his hand around Jungkook's neck bringing him closer.

They pulled away and smiled at eachother "you better not cheat on me I'll literally cut your dick off" Yoongi laughed.

"Never ever." jungkook smiled as he pecked yoongi on his cheek and laid down again.

"This is a good way to say yes to someone who asked you out,right? I mean it's way better then when you asked me out" Yoongi scoffed.

"Yes babes it's perfect, and Sorry my bad cutie" jungkook smiled as he grabbed yoongi hand and placed a kiss on it.

Yoongi rolled his eyes but still smiled becuase jungkook , his boyfriend is a dork

"I better not be dreaming, hey babe pinch me." Jungkook said as he looked at yoongi.

"You're not" Yoongi blushed as he lightly pinched jungkook.

"Good" Jungkook smiled as cuddled with yoongi until sunrise.

The end

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