Chapter 1 : Dress Up

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If someone would ever tell yoongi that he would end up married becuase of a dare, he wouldn't belive it. In fact he would laugh. But regardless it happened. And it all began when him and his couple of friends were hanging out at a pet cafe, the one Jin manages.

The day was going quite slow. Not much customers had been coming in. For awhile they played with the dogs and petted them but sooner or later they got tired of them.

To yoongi's dismay they started to play truth or dare.

Yoongi though hated the game.

He was no fan of doing stupid shit just for a stupid game.
In high school he did many things he isn't exactly proud of.

He claimed he was far too old for that stuff. But he just went along anyways, not wanting to kill the fun they were apparently having.

"Truth or dare suga" hobi said.

They had met recently at a gig Namjoon had. Let's just say that Yoongi forgot to tell Hoseok his real name. So as of now he was just calling him by his stage name.

"Call me yoongi, suga is just a stage name and it kinda bugs me tbh " he shrugged.

"And dare, if you want to know something about me, just ask. You don't have to use a game to ask " he continued as he rolled his eyes.

"Eh I'll keep that Mind then. So yoongs would you ever date a guy ?"

"W-whats with that question?" yoongi stuttered.

"I said dare " he reminded them to change the topic since they would probably make a scene if he came out to them right now.

Coming out of the closet in a game of truth or dare was plain dumb.
It's not like he didn't want to tell them. It's just the question never came up or the timing was never right.

"I'm not asking for the game, Come on we won't judge!" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows with an annoying bright smile on his face.

They wouldn't judge, he knows that. Becuase Joon and Jin are dating. So clearly his friends aren't homophobic but it was kinda weird to just come out while they hanged out while Jin was working.

He could tell them that he was bi, theoretically.

He has dated some girls in the past and he admitted sometimes that he has had crushes on some guys but he never actually dated a guy before.

And he would already know how each and one of them would react if he would tell them.

First of all :

Namjoon would probably take him to a gay strip club,

Second: Jin would try to introduce him to some guys he knew or whatever

and lastly : Hobi would never shut up about it.

"Yes, okay. I choosed dare by the way." He quickly said it. Hoping they wouldn't make a big deal that he indeed, just came out of the closet.

"I always knew" Jin shrugged

Mean while Namjoon laughed at the awkward coming out moment.
"Ohh fr? Okay, well anyways your dare is to dress up as a maid and greet the next customer that comes in and don't forget to wear a wig and maybe some padding too" Joon teased.

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