Feeling like Death

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"Ughhhhh," you moaned.

You felt like you'd be hit by... well hit by a wave of sand..

"Y/n!" Temari cried leaping at you from her seat and dramatically sprawling herself onto the hospital bed.

"I was so worried, you've been out for a whole day!"


"Yeah, Gaara found you laying at the bottom of a dune. He brought you here."

You blushed at the thought, remembering what you had tried to do.

"He was here for a while, sat by your bed waiting for you to wake, buuut of course he had to go back to the office. He is the kazekage after all."

You blushed harder.

"Oh no.." you cringed with embarrassment as you sat up painfully hiding your face in your knees.

In hindsight running at him like that was probably not the way to go about it.

Temari giggled at you.

"So..." she started, "what happened anyway?" she raised an eyebrow.

You looked at her and opened your mouth, 'the hell am I mean to say?' You thought.

'Oh yeah, I just tried to touch your brother? Turns out he is not huggable.'

"Oh I, uhm..." you trailed off.

She laughed, swinging an arm around you as she fell down into the pillows, taking you down with her.

"You tried to touch him didn't you?"

Whuuuut how did she know that!

She just laughed at your expression, "well the same thing happened to Kankuro a few years back. Kinda made sense that you caught him off guard and he whacked you," she trolled.

You stayed silent, wishing to you could disappear.

"I know you like him," she finally stated.

You looked horrified.

"What!" You basically yelled.

"Come oooon! You're my best friend as if I don't notice something like that. I've seen the way you look at him."

You just stared at her, shocked.

"Anyway, you've had a concussion so you're gonna spend a few nights at my place so I can keep an eye on you." She grinned, "we haven't spent much time together lately and I even have the week off."

"That actually sounds great," you grinned.

"Plus.." she added. "Gaara will of course be there at some point," she winked.

You felt your heart jump with excitement. He'd been so busy over the past year since the war had ended. You hadn't spent much time with him like you used to.

"Pft. Why would I care if Gaara is there or not," you muttered.

She eyed you, "that's not how it sounded while you were constantly muttering his name over the last 24 hours..."


You looked horrified, "Oh no."


"And you also said some other interesting things too," She winked.

"Arghhh!" you pulled a pillow over your head.

"I didn't say anything while he was here, did I," your muffled cries sounded from underneath the pillow.

She howled with laughter.

"I'll leave that to your imagination," she cried through fits of giggles.

You peeled away from your pillow defence, "tell me your joking," you pleaded.

She just pulled you into a tight hug and laughed, "I'm just glad you're okay y/n."

"I am far from okay," you muttered.

Touch my Heart (Gaara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now