The Fourth Roommate

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I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. I was so not staying here- I couldn't face all the looks tomorrow. I couldn't deal with this. So I did what everyone should; I decided to run away from my problems. Yeah, I knew that there was this whole 'Face your Fears' thing going round, but honestly, when you could flee or fight... choose flee. Fighting was for brave people.

Gosh, I hated brave people.

I ran upstairs to our room, grabbed my suitcase and two cardboard boxes. I opened my closest, and pulled out my winter clothes, stuffing them into the small battered suitcase, along with my socks and underwear. Then I saw the dress I had bought so long ago, with 'him'- or should I say, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, be ause honestly, he was worse than Voldemort. 'He' stole my candy once- at least Voldemort didn't steal my candy! And no good person stole candy.

I sighed. This was all ways to deflect my thoughts. I couldn't bear to think of what had happened earlier - oh god the image of 'them' came up in my head once again. I suppressed it down with thoughts of my favorite characters and movies. That was my way of dealing with my problems; relating them to a fandom.

I grabbed my favorite books (all the Harry Potter books, a few good old murder mysteries- which I could use now to plot murder against 'them', I mean the perfect murder wasn't going to be too hard to think of) and threw them into my cardboard box. Then I snatched a picture of me and my mom off my desk and chucked it in along with it.

Maybe I did have issues, running away because of 'them'. And seriously, moving in with a bunch of college guys was maybe not the best idea. There were three of them, and one of me. That didn't sound so good, especially when I saw all their drunk facebook pictures. Honestly, it looked like they were high. Every. Single. Day.

But still, this was Cam I was talking about, our old childhood best friend. He wasn't exactly psychopath, and he seemed so sweet when we had coffee the other day, in a macho kind of way. Cam had turned handsome too, not that I was planning on dating... I bit back the sob trying to erupt out of my chest, I had other things to do. Like pack...

I filled up the other box and then I dragged my heavy suitcase down the stairs, thanking whoever was up there that my mom was working night shift- for the hundreth time this month. She was a single mother and a nurse, so she worked her butt off. I flung the suitcase into the boot of my old, rusty minicooper and winced as the car creaked and groaned. Then I hurried up and down again with my two boxes, tossing them along with it. It had seemed so unlikely- an impossibilty for me to move in with three guys.

I was a girl raised on morals, never kiss before your dating someone, don't steal, don't throw a fuss about the lack of money (my mom was single and worked her butt off trying to get us enough money and basically, the life she never had). And I was sure, as sure as I was that 'him' and 'her' were kissing in the backseat, that my mom was going to kill me when she found out that I was moving in with a bunch of horny guys who went to wild parties.

And so the hard part, or well... hard kind of, since I was sort of skipping the difficult parts. I grabbed a piece of paper and began to scribble, knowing that I had to do this- quickly.


I love you tons. And I am so sorry but I have to move out without saying goodbye. I am so SO sorry, and I know you're grabbing your car keys to throw a bag over my head and drag me back home and beat the sense into me, but.... I am offically eighteen years old. You can't force me to move back home, mom. I just can't live here like this.

By the way, I am also dropping out of the universty I got into. But do not freak!!! I signed up to a new one and it's in New York! And no you can't know my address, because I am going to live with hobos. Or well guys- close enough to hobos, right? Ha, ha

Sorry, lots of love, your daughter forever and ever and ever and ever and well... you get it



It was probaly the worst ever written letter, but I didn't know how else to put it. I was leaving and I wasn't coming back. The clock chimed to signal three am, and I took a deep breath, adding some x's and lidding the pen. I grabbed my coat, my nice white blazer and hurried outside, feeling the cool wind on my cheeks.

And I started the long drive to New York city, wondering if I had completely and utterly lost my mind, whilst singing loudly to heartbreaking Adele songs because it was the only thing which cured a broken warzone of a heart.

Round sixish- the time my mom usaully came home my phone started to ring fanatically. 'Him' and 'Her' started to call too, but I sang over the ringtone. Eventually though it became to annoying, I stopped and threw my phone out of my window.

Yes, I had lost my mind.

And I had arrived at eight am in front of my tall towering appartment block.

Where three hot, college boys were waiting for me.

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