Chapter 4: Thirst

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Here's a new chapter >:3 I should be updating my more popular stories, but eh. I have writer's block on most of them. This story helps that get unblocked. Hope you enjoy <3 Pic to the side is of Klein!


Jun stared down the anxious looking Beta with interest as they both stood outside the Alpha's door. Jun very much liked how the nervous air around Klein disappeared the moment his crimson eyes landed on Jun himself. After several silent moments, Klein lowered his gaze in acknowledgement. 

Jun, on the other hand, just continued to stare at the Beta, his golden eyes taking in every detail of the other man's essence. Finally Jun said, "It's nice to see you back here in one piece, Britanis." His lips curled back in a wicked smile, revealing his perfect teeth. "My father would be at a loss if he lost two Betas' in a row."

"And so would you," Klein replied smoothly.

He spoke the truth, Jun knew. Then he remembered this was the second time Klein had spoken down to him. First, when he ordered him to stay off the rogue hunt, and now this. Jun's blood filled with something dark and eager as he looked upon his future Beta. 

Jun decided to break off the topic as he feared loosing the control he had worked on building up ever since the first time he met Klein Britanis. 

"So how did the hunt go?" Jun asked.

Klein sighed and stepped away from the wall he had been leaning on. His eyes met Jun's. "We managed to capture the rogue alive, surprisingly. No injuries or causalities, but the Alpha wished to speak to him." He gestured to the closed door. "They're in there now speaking. Lord knows what about."

Jun absorbed this, but his predator mind was shredding it up and devouring the new information with vigor. Something about it didn't seem right. Zero causalities? Not even an injury? The rogue had been a built, white wolf as Axel had put it. Jun knew his men were tough, but this was something else. 

"Did he speak to you?" Jun questioned. "The rogue, I mean. He didn't say why he was here? Or to release him immediately? Any of the usual gribble?"

"No," Klein replied, instantly. "Nothing. Not even a growl." This was true and Klein wasn't lying, but by leaving out the sneering smile on this brother's lips, he was keeping something from his beloved Jun. But he couldn't tell him that without telling him everything, and that was something Klein couldn't bring himself to do. Ever. He would end up just like Carson, the former Beta Jun had killed himself. 

Jun nodded thoughtfully. "I see," he said calmly. "So if I questioned the Warriors who brought down the rogue, they would say the same, right?" A tiny smiled danced on Jun's tempting lips. 

Klein knitted his brows carefully. "Yes. You have my word." Was this some sort of test?

Jun stared at him for a long time until the silence dug into them both. He turned on his heel, back facing Klein. "Happy hunting," he said dangerously. "But what are you, Britanis, predator? Or prey?" Giving a slight dark chuckle, Jun began to walk away, but not without planting those words into the Beta. 

Jun not knowing that, indeed, both of them were predators going after the same kill: Each other. 


Inside the office, the ivory wolf smelled both his brother and the Shadow wolf. He tasted their conversation, and another smile broke across his handsome face. 

Little brother, you have surprised me. Bewildered me. Shocked me. All in the past, but this is something new. You love, but not me, you love the Shadow. You love the target. Oh, how you honor the Britanis family name with your disgrace. 

The smiled turned to a frown the moment his red eyes landed on the Alpha he so wanted to kill. But he wouldn't let his feelings interfere with the mission like his brother had. Ivan Britanis wasn't even fully sure why the Elders had sent his younger brother instead of himself in the first place, and that was probably his biggest flaw. 

So he took in the two Warrior wolves behind him, and looked straight ahead into the dark eyes of the father of the Shadow Wolf. He acknowledged that this man was kin to the strongest, most powerful werewolf in the world, but he failed to see how this man became an Alpha. 

He was shrouded in darkness, betrayal, anger, and ruthless hunger. These were not emotions of a leader, but of a selfish man. 

I guess they stay true to the fact that their pack was formed from a band of rogues.

And Jun's father was the leader of rogues, so Ivan guessed that was why he hadn't been ripped apart on sight and instead brought here to the Alpha's office. The Alpha of this certain pack gives every rogue a chance to assimilate or die. Which is what made is so easy for Klein to infiltrate, Ivan knew. But he hadn't expected his brother to be Beta. Never in a million years. 

He does it for the Shadow Wolf. He wants to protect him. 

Everything about that made Ivan want to tear his brother apart even more than he already did. 

"I brought you here to offer you a deal." The Alpha's predictable words filled Ivan's ears. The older Alpha leaned forward until his face was a breath's width away from the rogue. "Join me or die quickly."

Ivan's small smile split from ear to ear. 


"Not today," Jun told his Wednesday regular. "I'm not in that kind of mood." 

The girl just stood in Jun's doorway, dumbfounded. 

Jun stared at her for awhile before saying, "Leave now or you won't like what I'll do." His voice was cold steel. His pet peeve was giving an order more than once. 

The girl scurried out of his sight. He heard the door to the pack house slam shut. He sighed. That was the 5th time he had turned down one of his regulars. They weren't doing it for him anymore. Therefore, they were now useless. Not needed. Disposable. 

Klein, hurry up and be mine.

Though that was hardly likely to Jun. Klein was, as far as the Shadow Wolf knew, a straight man. Even further, Jun hadn't made his intentions clear enough. Maybe he would do that next time, Jun thought as lay in bed. Then it would all be smooth sailing from there on out. 

Be to Jun, Klein was already his. His every being belonged to Jun and only Jun, but was currently being rented out to his father and the rest of the pack. It was only a matter of time before Jun cracked at having to share, but all would be over the second his old man retired and handed his duties over. 

He's a tough old man. He won't do that anytime soon.

But Jun couldn't wait. Lately he noticed his hunger for power and Klein Britanis was irresistible. He wanted both equally, but not equally at the same time. He could feel the darkness of shadows growing stronger and stronger as his 18th birthday drew near. 

And soon his lust would become uncontainable. 

As he thought about this, he wished his Wednesday regular would come back. So that maybe he could pretend she was Klein and take her full force. Maybe that would sate him for awhile. Maybe it would make it worse. Maybe he just didn't care. 

"Ugh," he moaned childishly as he stuffed his face into a pillow. "Father, what the hell am I suppose to do now? You never taught me about these things." He turned over on his side. The fuzzy feeling of thinking about Klein was returning everywhere, and Jun knew that wasn't natural. "What is this feeling?"

Before he could answer himself, something welled up in his chest. Jun clutched his throat. Coughing erupted from the lack of air, and his eyes bulged dangerously as his heart beat ran rampid. 

He felt pain, and a lot of it. 

But then, a sweet euphoria unlike anything he had ever felt before. Better than any climax. 

An uncontrollable thirst. 

Then, as if a zombie, Jun's legs began moving on their own. It was Jun, but then again, it wasn't. His brain filtered two word, two images. 

Blonde hair, crimson eyes, and Klein Britanis. 

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