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So, Jasper wears this vest with buttons on it and one of the buttons says "They" on it. Told them I loved it, got a thank you and a smile.

Progress friends :)

~Yuki Neko Jeagerjaques


Jackaboy😇: the bedroom smells like ass, Mark

Markifart😈: that's because I farted several times before leaving the room earlier

Jackaboy😇: why didn't you spray, you nasty fuck????

Markifart😈: idk

Markifart😈: forgot I guess

Jackaboy😇: I'm gonna open a window and spray in here

Markifart😈: quick question, what do you wanna eat for lunch?

Jackaboy😇: dick

Markifart😈: why did I know you were gonna say that?

Markifart😈: but for real?

Jackaboy😇: cheese covered dick

Markifart😈: ....

Jackaboy😇 : what that's not an option

Jackaboy😇: they have that at subway tho

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