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Trigger warning: this chapter is going to talk about suicide and self harming.

Also Daniel :(

So if you're sensitive to that, don't read. Next chapter will be a lot more cheerful.

~Yuki Neko Jeagerjaques


"Jack?! Are you in the living room?!" Mark yelled from the bed room. He was absolutely nervous about what he had to tell Jack. But, it's for the best, Jack needed to know more about Mark.

"Yeah, I'm watching Bleach!" Jack shouted back. Mark took a deep breath before leaving his bedroom. He smiled when he saw Jack sitting on the couch with a bag of Doritos, staring intensely at the TV.

"I need to talk to you about something." Mark said, quietly. Jack turned the TV off and looked at Mark with a concern look.

"Talk about what? What's wrong?" Jack asked, worriedly. Mark sat down next to Jack. He took another deep breathe.

"I need to tell you about my past in relationships." Mark stated. Jack nodded, silently asking Mark to continue.

"I dated this guy named Daniel. He was so amazing. He used to shower me with gifts and he used to sing me songs. One day, I got a call from his family telling me that he had committed suicide. I was devastated. I wanted to end it all too, so that night I downed a whole bottle of sleeping pills. I started blacking out until Wade found me. I forgot that I had invited him over to my house.

"I stayed in the hospital for two months. They had to make sure that I wouldn't try to harm myself again, so they made me go to therapy. After, they released me, had thought that I was completely okay. Two months later, I met this guy named Matthias. We had shared so many interests, I thought we were gonna last. Then, I found out one day that he was cheating on me with some lady named Amanda. ( otp :p )

"I had confronted Matthias about it, which led us into an argument. I told him that I was gonna kill myself. He called 911, worried about my wellbeing. I had to go back to therapy. My therapists gave me a notebook, telling me if I had started having suicidal thoughts to write them down. I didn't fully understand that, but I did it anyway.

"A month later, I met this guy on Twitter called Aaron. He told me he liked to be called Yamimash, so that's what I called him. He was from England so I had to Skype or text him. After, a few months of being together, I finally flew him out to Cincinnati. That was the best week of my life, at the time.

"Everything was kittens and rainbows until I noticed that he acting distant. I skyped him to see what his problem was but some girl answered the call. She said that she was Yami's girlfriend and that they had been together for three year. I ended the call. Yami tried calling back and texting me. Saying that he was sorry. I ended up cutting my thighs so Bob and Wade wouldn't see them and I had a panick attack.

"That all happened last year. At the beginning of this year I had to force myself not to cut anymore. It was only giving me more pain. I began feeling more and more like myself. I had invited Bob and Wade over so we can play video games. I made the mistake of leaving my notebook on the couch.

"Bob and Wade read it. The most recent note had said, that if the next guy I find cheats or breaks up with me, I was going to kill myself for good."

Mark sniffed, he hadn't realized that he was crying. He look up at Jack who was crying as well.

"I told you this so if we are going to be together for a while then you would have to know sooner or later." Mark said. Jack pulled Mark into a hug.

"Oh, Mark. I'm sorry. I would never ever leave you. I promise that."

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