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Think this is a good idea for the next covers?

~Yuki Neko Jeagerjaques


Jackaboy😇: Marky Mark, can you come downstairs?

Markifart😈: yeah, I'll be down there in a minute

Mark walked down the stairs, to the living room. Jack is sitting on the couch, watching TV. Jack noticed a presence and looked up, smiling at Mark. He got up from the couch and pulled Mark by his wrist, and pushed him on the couch.

Jack straddled Mark and grabbed the sides of his face. He smashed their lips together. Mark wrapped his arms around Jack, pulling him closer. Jack was the first one to pull way. He sat his forehead against Mark's.

"I love you." Jack said.

Mark's eyes began to water and he smiled.

"I love you too."

Jack pulled away and sat up.

"By the way, there's a spider crawling on the wall behind us." Jack said. Mark looked behind them, there is a big ass spider. Mark pushed Jack off him and ran out the room, screaming.

Jack sat on the ground, looking dumbfounded as he watched his boyfriend sprint up the stairs.

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