Young! James Pt.1?

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Heyyyy !! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I had just finished all my tests and assignments for this term (hurray). (cursed child rant oops) so I finished cursed child book about 3 weeks ago and I could certainly not believe it. Tbh, whilst I read it I started crying. And I reread it yesterday. IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER AND I CAN NOT WAIT TILL THE PLAY TRAVELS ACROSS THE WORLD. A teacher of mine went to London and saw the play and she spent the whole lesson telling us about it, all the harry potter nerds were bombarding her with questions. AND NOW I SRSLY CANT WAIT TILL FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM MOVIE !! (scorose and scalbus otp)

*fourth year, any house but Gryffindor*

Standing amongst the side line, you were forced to watch James try to charm Lily, again. And Lily, denying him rather ruthlessly.

"That James Potter. I can not stand him at all!" Lily exasperated. "Everything about him is just so... Obnoxious."

You nodded to agree with Lily. Life was hard for you, you had an immensely huge crush on James, and he happened to like Lily, whom coincidently was your best friend, also your brother happened to be one of his best friends, Remus. You sighed and ran to catch up with Lily.

"Hey y/n. Excited for tomorrow's quidditch match?" Jordan (random name), your house quidditch captain asked you. He eyed the plate of food in front of you. "That can't be all you're eating right y/n! We have practise 5-7 tonight and you need to be energised! Can't let my favourite player be undernourished." He winked and grabbed a few other foods for you.

"Thanks Jordan." You had totally forgotten about the quidditch match tomorrow! You were versing Gryffindor. Not only are they ahead in the quidditch cup but James will also be playing.

"Good luck y/n." James came up to you, "even with an amazing keeper like you, it's such a shame your house will be losing tomorrow." You gasped and turned your head away, because he has just offended the best house ever and mainly because your face was flushed pink.

"I do like a fiesty girl." James leaned in closer to you. "Why have I never realised just how dateable you are? Hot, smart, sporty, kind..." He's voice got quieter and quieter.

"What do you think you're doing James!" You hissed, "Go and flirt with Lily, this isn't a funny dare, my brother could see!" James looked disappointed and sad for a moment, that quickly disappeared as he flashed a quirky smile.

You let out a heavy breath, you felt your heart beating faster than ever. What spell has James Potter put in under? You needed some fresh air and left the Great Hall. Outside, you heard harsh whispered, a guy sounded like he wanted to murder the other. What on earth? You peeked around the corner and saw Remus and James. You decided to spy on them for a while and listen to what they were saying, it couldn't hurt.

"What on earth do you think you're doing James! Hitting on my sister, what the heck. Don't think I didn't see that ok James." Remus whisper yelled.

"Sorry man, I know, bro code. Won't ever do it again, you can trust me."

"You better not James. She's not a toy for you to play hearts with, she's my sister! What if she falls for you and gets her hopes up. Break her heart and I'll break your face. Stick to Lily. Please." You've never heard Remus this serious before, he was always the nice, responsible kind, but when it came to protecting you or his friends he will not step down.

You quickly left the scene. Remus's words buzzed in your head over and over again. 'what if she falls for you and gets her hopes up' You already had your heart for James, though you know you really should not and he'll break your heart. It's like he had you under some kind of spell.


"Ok, ok listen guys,  I have a proposition to make." Jordan said, in front y/h and the Gryffindor quidditch team. Everyone turned around to look at him.

"I want each and every single of you to witness this. If we win this match..." Jordan locked his eyes with you. "I want an us, y/n. I want to date." The whole room filled with gasps and cat whistles. "So I just want you to know James, I'm giving it my all, I'm determined to win."

Jordan didn't break his eye contact with you and nor did you with him. "So what do you say y/n?" He scratched the back of his head and gave a nervous smile. He was shaking, Jordan, the all star being nervous! Now this would be a joke.

Of course you wanted to date James, but you knew you stood no chance, and Jordan has always been so nice around you. And not to mention he is extremely hot. Many girls would die to be in your spot. Looking at Jordan's face, there was a hope, and nervousness. To say no to him, you would break that precious heart.

You gave a smile, "Sure. I'd love to Jordan.". His face lit up and gave a smile that could light up the whole world, you never knew you had the ability to make someone this happy. The whole room started winking at Jordan and cheering him on. You looked over to James at the corner, he looked... almost like he's downcast.  You wondered how this match would go, Jordan was a brilliant seeker like James. Both of them are equal best in the school.

"And if we don't win Jordan?" A player from y/h asked.

"I'm a man of promises. I won't date y/n and find another way to win her heart." He winked at you. "That's alright with you right y/n?" You nodded.


The match was a blur. Everyone in your house was giving their best, all trying to make Jordan's wish become true. The Gryffindor players are trying very hard too but their effort have somewhat dropped from last match- it was most likely because of Jordan, they were all mates and they wanted us to win but then again they wanted to win the house cup. The only one from Gryffindor who is giving it 110% is James. He is concentrating harder than ever, not allowing one distraction. In all the years, You've never seen a game so tense.

Finally James spotted the snitch and began to speed after it. Soon, Jordan began chasing after it too. Both of them were neck to neck... James then suddenly jumped off his broom and caught the snitch, he landed hard on the ground and let out a loud grunt.

That was it. The game has finished. You felt happy that you wouldn't break Jordan's heart but somewhat disappointed. You were soon snapped back into reality when you heard a cry of pain. James. You followed everyone up to the Hospital Wing, from other Gryffindor players you heard he had broken his arm and leg.


The next day, you decided to check up on James to see if he was ok. Once you reached the door, you heard hushed voices inside. You thought it wasn't the best time so you sat outside waiting, you didn't intend to overhear but they were speaking a little too loud even for a hushed voice.

"I don't know why Sirius! I just had this uncontrollable anger within me and I promised myself to win the match. Partly for the house, and partly for my selfish reasons." James muttered.

"Wait! Do you like y/n James!?" Sirius asked, shocked.

"Wait of course not Sirius! I like Lily, right? I don't know why I did that. I felt a bit jealous. But there is no way I like y/n, she's Remus's sister! And plus I've liked Lily for so long..."

That was the end of the conversation before Ms Pomfery ushered Sirius out. You quickly got up and ran to your dormitory not wanting Sirius to think you overheard. Breathless, you sat on your bed thinking about what James said.

You head was spinning with a million questions. Right now, you don't feel like you want to be Remus's sister anymore, because of that, all that James could ever see you was 'Remus's sister'... You buried you face into your pillow...

Did you guys like that chapter?? Good or Bad?? It was a bit long. Please vote/comment if you want a part 2 xx (Also can you believe it I hit 5k reads !! Woohoo) Ps: please feel free to request (plot/character etc.) I will leave it anonymous if wished, thanks (I'm running a little low on ideas!)

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