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A/N: I didn't forget about you Ron-lovers. :D Look at how cute Ron looks up there though! Eek! (When I said that I slightly disliked Ron it was because of his personality portrayed in the book! I have nothing against the actor though!) Oh and Joe Sugg Imagines is out!

Your POV

You sat at the library with the Golden Trio, helping them in one of their crazy schemes again. You took a glimpse of Ron and mentally sighed. Why did always fall for the one who will never love you back?

'Y/n? You there?' Harry waved his hand in front of you.

'Yeah.' You replied, 'I'm just tired.'

'You can go back to the dorms if you want.' Harry suggested.

You shook your head and saw the faint blush on Harry's cheeks. Pretty much everyone at Hogwarts thought you had a thing for the Golden Boy - that wouldn't be surprising as many other girls have swoon over him. But no, you have fallen for his faithful sidekick, Ronald Weasley.


'So how's things going with Ron?' Hermione asked, her head still in her book.

You shrugged. 'We hardly talk anymore, and when we do it's always in a big group.' You muttered sadly.

'Don't worry about him y/n, it will reach his idiotic head soon.' She smiled, hugging you.

You chuckled. 'I hope. It's just... we used to be so close you know Hermione?'

'Yes, It's strange how the two of you drifted apart.' She wondered.

'It's so frustrating.' You groaned, gently banging your head of the table.

'So how's Malfoy?' You smirked. (I just had to add a bit of Dramonie even though I want Draco to be mine)

Hermione blushed furiously, she stared at her book.

'Oh shut up will you? We aren't a thing!' She said.

'Sure sure, Miss oh-I-am-so-in-love-with-the-slytherin-king.' You giggled, putting the back of your palm on your forehead, pretending to faint in order to mock Hermione.

'I ship it, Dramonie!' You squealed. Hermione said nothing, instead she threw a pillow at you.


'Ron!' You shouted, catching up to him and putting your hand on his shoulder to stop him. He turned around to face you and gave you a confused look.

'So... What's up?' You stuttered, shyly putting strand of hair behind your ears.

'A sh*t load of homework that's what.' Ron grumpily whined, 'I can't believe the teachers, there's homework for every subject! I might miss out on Hogsmead this weekend!'

'I'll help you.' You smiled, you wanted his company.

'Cool!' He agreed, 'See you at the Common Room at 9 then.' You nodded your head and left.


You walked into at the Gryffindor Common Room at exactly 9, you saw that Ron was already there and he seemed waiting for you.

'Hey!' He exclaimed as he saw you.

You explained to Ron about most of the homework that you understood. You glanced at the clock and it read 11:30.

'Wow! It's late, we better head off to bed Ron.' You stated. Ron didn't hear you so you clicked your fingers in front his face.

'Oh yeah.' He jumped, 'well good night y/n. And thanks for all your help.' He started to pack all his books.

'How about you come along with Hermione, Harry and I to the Three Broomsticks on Hogsmead day. I'll pay, my treat.' He said.

'I think I'll like that.' You beamed. He smiled back then headed to the boy's dormitory.

You sighed and stared into the distance out the window with your knees tucked up to your chest. After about 10 minutes you felt slightly drowsy so you decided to head up to bed as well.


'Hi Ron!' You hugged him when you spotted him at the Three Broomsticks, he awkwardly hugged you back.

'Am I early?' You wondered, seeing that Harry and Hermione weren't there yet.

'No, Harry and Hermione are just late. I think they had a hold up at Honeydukes.' He told you.

Since Harry and Hermione hadn't come yet, you decided to use the best of this time. The two of you laughed and talked to what seemed like ages. It was like you picked up where the two of you left last year.

Harry and Hermione had finally come. Harry looked annoyed and slightly jealous when he walked in. You looked over at Hermione and raised you eyebrows, she gave you a wink and joined you. You immediately knew what she did. She caused the hold up so you and Ron could have some time alone. You smiled at her, and mouthed a thank you.


You and Ron walked slowly behind Harry and Hermione. Harry kept turning around to look at you two and glared at Ron.

'I really enjoyed today, we should do this more often.' You thanked Ron for today.

'You're welcome, and yes we should.' He smiled from ear to ear. You linked your fingers with Ron's and he stared at you and his hands interlocked. He didn't seem to pull away, instead he moved closer to you.

You got on your tip toes and pecked Ron on the cheek, causing his face to go red. Then you ran away to catch up to Harry and Hermione to leave a bewildered Ron.

You glanced back at him, to see him with his mouth open wide in shock and his hand touching where you just kissed him.

'Don't tease me y/n!' He called out with a huge grin on his face.

A/N: Was that okay? I honestly thought that sucked :( I'm currently writing a Marauder's one! That will be my first one. Keep reading, (that is if you are enjoying this, I'm not forcing you!) I'm really happy to see the reads slowly go up! (And the votes)

Bye you gorgeous human beings! (or aliens)


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