Young! Remus + Important A/N

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A/N: First Marauder one shot! Woohoo! (Important A/N at the end)

Your POV:

'James!' You yelled at your annoying twin brother. 'Can you please give it back?' Your brother just snatched the book from you and made you lose your page.

'Come play with us then.' He crossed his arms, 'You always read y/n, like Moony, it's no fun.'

You blushed when your brother mentioned Moony.

'Well maybe because I don't want to hang out with you four.' You glared at him, you were used to arguing with him as you two did it often.

'Well you are a Marauder aren't you?' He retorted. 'Come on, Evans will be there soon. And I promised her that you'd be there.'

'To keep her sane.' You snorted.

'You leave me no choice my dear sister. I'm going to Remus now and tell him that you fancy him.' He sighed, looking down as he speed walked out the common room hiding his smirk.

'I don't like him!' You called whilst catching up with him.

'How long is that going to take to get in your head.' You slightly knocked his head. 'I mean it is quite hollow in there.' You joked.

'Oh shut it.' He replied. You watched your brother straighten his tie and smooth out his shirt as the two of you walked towards the Black Lake.

'You really do like her don't you? Evans.' You asked.

'I don't like her. I love her.' He replied, his eyes shining. 'To the moon and back.'

James was always the outgoing one of the two of you. You were really happy for you brother since Evans finally agreed to date him. Sure, it took him 5 years but at least they've got a stable and loving relationship. However you and Remus on the other hand. Everyone has been saying that he liked you to you and you like him to you. You did like him, you really did. But he treats you like a sister, you don't even know if there's a word for it but you've been seriously sister-zoned.

'Hey James, can I ask you something?' You asked, quietly.

'Of course, what's wrong y/n?' He replied, his eyes scanning your face. Despite your many fights the two of you cared for each other and loved one another heaps.

'Well, I don't know how to say this. But how do you get your crush to like you back?' You were embarrassed for asking your brother for relationship advise.

'You've got to be yourself, and they'd like you for who you are. They would fall in love with the real you, in there.' He said pointing at your heart.

'So who's the lucky boy for my sister?' He sang, curious.

'No one.' You said quickly, 'We've never had this conversation.'

'My little sister embarrassed about asking her big bro relationship advise? No way!' James teased.

'Stop rubbing that in James, I'm only younger by 15 minutes. One more word about our conversation and consider me coming and me putting good words for you to Evans done.' You said, annoyed.

'Got it!' He pierced his lips together and did a zipping action.


You sat in Potions drumming your fingers on the table. This class was so boring, you thought. You twirled the quill in your hand and stared the clock waiting for class to be over.

You were fed up with James and Sirius, they were sitting behind you with Remus and Peter. They kept sniggering about something and whispering things to Remus. You even heard your name a couple of times.

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