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A/N: I dedicate this chapter to someone who voted all my chapters previously (you know who you are). I would mention their name but I don't know whether or not they would like me mentioning it.

I absolutely love Draco, he's one of my favourite characters in the book, because he's heart is pure, the only reason he was 'bad' was due to his parents, and not to add he's extremely hot.  ;) This chapter took my a long time to write so I would really appreciate it if you guys voted. Now without further ado.

~ Love Slytherinphan :)

Your POV (Past)

You walked up to the Astronomy tower to see your boyfriend Draco Malfoy. The two of you were dating in secret and have been for almost a year.

When you arrived, you were greeted by a pale blond boy pinning you against the wall.

'Hey. I missed you.' He whispered into you ear, sending chills down your spine.

'Me too.' You said while putting your hands in his hair.

'Come, I need to talk to you.' Draco said, gesturing to outside. He leaned against the wall, staring at the starry night and sighed.

'Y/n, I love you and you know that. But we need to break up, for your safety.'

'Why!?' You asked, exasperated.

He pulled up his sleeve on his left forearm, showing you his dark mark.

You inhaled a breath sharply.

'I didn't want it to happen y/n, but they forced me.' Draco's lip quivered, tears rolling down his cheek.

'I love you Draco Malfoy and nothing will ever change that.' You cooed, wiping away his tear. 'There's no need for us to break up, I'm fine.' You moved in closer to him.

'No.' He took a step back just as you leaned in to kiss him. 'I'm dangerous, I will harm you.'

You looked up at his with large eyes. 'Oh don't be silly Draco.'

'I... I have to kill him.' Draco's voice shook. 'Dumbledore.'

You didn't say anything, instead you hugged him allowing him to take in your warmth.

'This is our last day y/n, and I want to spend the night with you. Please.' He begged. 'If we don't break up, he'll kill you too.'

'Oh Draco...' You kissed him like there was no tomorrow and he kissed you back with fierce passion.

'I have to give you something, to symbol our love. As long as this glows, you know that we both love each other.' He pulled away, handing you a love necklace.

'It's beautiful, thank you.' You examined it, handling it with care. 'Would you do the honours?'

He smiled, brushing away your hair from your neck. He put the necklace on you, his cold fingers brushed against your skin making you tingle all over.

It fitted you perfectly, dangling a bit below your collarbone, just right for you to tuck in under your shirt.

You turned around towards Draco before kissing him again.

And that was the last day the two of you were together. After that he avoided you completely, making you miserable.


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