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Your POV:
You cheered as Cedric ran towards the golden egg and picking it up. He did it! You have been helping your best friend Cedric for the past week helping him perfecting his skills for the Triwizard Tournament. You just couldn't help but grin as he bowed to the crowd before returning back to the tent.
Cedric and you sat next to each other imitating one another like children, meanwhile Cho was glaring, sending daggers at you.
'Ahm.' Spoke Professor Dumbledore, his voice radiating in the Great Hall, instantly stopping the chatter in the hall.
'I would like to announce that after the second task there will be a yule ball. Only students year 4 and up may attend and the champions will open the ceremony. You will all have practice for the yule ball in your houses taught by your head teacher.'
Then the Great Hall filled with voices as everyone discussed about this rare occasion.
'So who do you think you'll go with?' You asked Cedric.
'Cool, good luck.'
You had no idea who you wanted to go with, deep in your heart you really wanted to go with Cedric but you two joked since year 3 that there will definitely be no romance between you two as you are best friends and it would be plain awkward. But over the years you started develop feelings for your best friend, however, he already had feelings for someone else, Cho.
Cedric's POV:
I just asked Cho if she wanted to go to the yule ball with me and she said yes! I feel ecstatic.
Currently I'm with y/n practise for the second task which it tomorrow, I had to go into the lake to retrieve something dear to me. I wonder what that would be.
Y/n walked towards the cushions picking them up and throwing at me so I could practise my defence spells. She looked adorable, the way her h/c combed into a messy ponytail and her elegant moves. I don't say it enough but I'm probably one of the luckiest people in the world because I have her as my best friend.
Just as y/n was going to throw the cushion the door creaked open, in came Professor McGonagall.
'Y/n, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you.' She announced.
I looked in y/n eyes, I see worry, she mustn't have know what this is about. I gave her a weak smile before she swiftly left the room.I just hope she would be okay.
Your POV
Your vision was a blur, all you could see was parts of blue and all you could feel was coldness. You were coughing and spluttering as if you just drank a litre of water.
As your vision cleared, you saw that you were in Cedric's arms in the lake. Your mind was turning like cogs, what happened? Why am I here? A million questions ran through your head.
You looked over to Cedric hoping he would explain to you but he mouthed 'later'.
A group of students were hoarding around you and Cedric now as he just lifted you up to the platform. Towels were thrown over you and Cedric in order to keep you two warm.
Your head felt extremely dizzy, before you knew it you collapsed into a world of blackness.
'Hey.' Cedric whispered as he brushed your hair off your face.
'Oh, hello.'
You let out a groan as you tried to sit up, your head still feeling dizzy.
'Woah there, be careful.' He soothed.
'How long?' You asked knowing Cedric would know what you meant.
'About one and a half days.' He replied.
'So what exactly happened? All I remembered was coldness and blue and being in the lake. Everything that happened was pretty much a blur.'
'You were the second task.' He stated.
'I'm sorry what? I don't understand.' You asked trying to get your head around.
'Well you know how the second task involves me and the other champions retrieving what was dearest to us. Well each champion had to retrieve someone not something.'
You nodded.
'The most important person to me was, you.' He said softly.
'Okay.' You now understood more now, with what he said, you thought it was really cute. 'But I thought you loved Cho the most?'
'No. You are my best friend.' He chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand.
You didn't know what to respond, so the two of you sat in silence.
Cedric's POV
'Who are you going with?' I asked y/n as I slid into the chair next to her.
'Lee Jordan.' She muffled while chewing her food.
'Cool.' I replied, my shoulders slightly dropping.
I asked Cho to be my partner because she was my second choice. Y/n is my first and would always be. But it seemed that she didn't like me in that way. The way she didn't even seemed to care when I told her that I was going with Cho hurt me. I wanted to be with her. It was probably for the best, we did make a promise that there would be no romances between us. I regret that dramatically.
I was angry with myself. I speed walked out the hall without touching any of my food. I need to go to the library for some space. We both treated each other like second choices, even though I knew Cho would probably chose Potter over me.
Your POV
You put on your dress for the Yule Ball tonight. It was a f/c baby doll dress, it suited you perfectly. It matched your h/c locks and showed off your curves. It went a little above your knee, with floral laces at the tips and you topped it off with your favourite high-heels.
You wove your wand and it instant put on some light make-up. You weren't really into make-up and hardly put it on. Tonight was a special night, so a subtle touch.
'Awe, you look gorgeous.' Y/b/f squealed, 'I'm surprised that Cedric wasn't going with you.'
'Thanks y/b/f, you look amazing yourself too. Cedric loves Cho, not me.'
'Well you are more important than her to him, otherwise why were you chosen to be in the lake but not Cho?' She asked.
You just thought about that, why was it you not Cho?
You glanced at the clock, it read 5:55 and you promised that you'd meet Lee Jordan at 6 so you rushed out of y/h common room.
'Y/n, you look absolutely stunning.' Lee Jordan breathed down your neck.
'Thanks, you look half descent yourself.' You giggled. You liked him, but he wasn't the same as Cedric.
As you walked into the Hall, you saw Cho with her arm entangled with Cedric, this made you want to puke. You wanted to be the one for him.
Cedric spun around, the moment your eyes locked, he's eyes lit up and gave an ear to ear smile.... Before turning around back to Cho.
The way he looked tonight took your breath away. You loved him more each day.
As you danced with Lee Jordan, you heard a shriek next to you.
'We are done Cedric, if you are going to stare at her all day.' Cho whisper-yelled, pointing at you.
You whipped your head around, unaware of your surroundings. You saw Cho storming out the room, leaving Cedric by himself.
'Is it okay for me to go to Cedric?' You asked Lee Jordan, sincerity in your voice.
'Sure. We only came here as friends. I know about your feelings with Cedric and his feelings with you.' He said casually.
'You what?!' You questioned him, stepping on your heels.
'He got mad at me for going with you, so I told him we are only going as friends, well that's if that's all you want it to be.' He smirked, 'Then he told me about how he loves you not Cho. By the way you look him, I could just tell you like him.'
'Why didn't you tell me before?'
'Dunno. Perhaps I wasn't exactly sure about everything, well I told you now.' He shrugged.
'Thank you so much.' You hugged him before running off to find Cedric.

You saw Cedric sitting in the corner. When he heard foot steps, his head snapped up.
'Y/n, go back to your date, I'm fine.' He spat.
'But he's not my real date, someone else is.' You whispered.
'And who is that?'
'You.' You said before leaning in.
Cedric pulled you down towards him, both of your lips colliding. The two of you moved in sinc. Before long, the scene turned into snogging.
Cedric pulled away five minutes.
'You like me?' He asked, curious, not believing the reality.
'Well, yeah, for as long as I known.' You replied. 'But I always thought you loved Cho and I didn't have a place in your heart.'
'You will always have a place in my heart. You mean so much to me, too much for me to handle.' He grinned.
'I guess I got with Cho because she was okay, of course she can't ever replace you. But it was because of that stupid promise in year 3 that I thought you would never love me. If I could change anything in my life, I would change that. That way you would've been mine beforehand and I wouldn't get jealous.' He grinned, scratching the back of his neck.
Every part of you were screaming 'awe', that was one of the sweetest things he said.
'Me too Cedric, me too.' You chuckled, 'I love you.'
You leaned in to give another kiss to Cedric, making up for the past few years. You could feel his lips form a smile with your lips.
'I love you more than you know, l/n.' He said as he pressed a kiss on your neck, sending good chills down your spine.
'Oh really Diggory?' You asked.
'Yes, and I'll show you just how much.' He said, proudly, before leaning in to kiss you again, and again.

Hey guys, how do you like this chapter? Is it a tad too long? Sorry for the many changes in POVs but I did for plot so I hope it wasn't too consuing
Should I continue doing this in second person or change it to first? Comment below.
Plus any request private message me, don't be shy.

Chapter 2 anyone? I think I left it a little of a cliffhanger, it can be continued but it can also seem like the end. So if you want part 2 comment below as well.
I wasn't going to post this till Saturday but I feel really happy today (*cough cough* perhaps something to do with my crush *cough cough*) and I'm going to post it today. Plus I'm going away so I wouldn't have wifi that day.
Ily, from Slytherinphan xx

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