Number Two

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I sat, staring at the wall.

I had just dropped Berlin off at Harry's. The caller had been him.

She looked simply heartbroken. Like her world had shattered. And I felt a dull ache in my chest, seeing her hurt like that, regardless of me knowing why. She stuttered out a response before ending the call. Berlin threw herself into my arms, body wracking with sobs.

"Harry- Lou locked himself in Harry and Lottie's bathroom immediately upon arriving at Harry's. After an hour or so, they decided he shouldn't stay in there like that, so they started trying to coax him out but-"

She stopped, fist clenching the fabric of my flannel shirt. I soothed her, petting her head and whispering for her to calm down. Her breathing slowed, and she was relaxed.

"They got the bathroom door open and Lou had ODed on Lottie's medication. Cyanosis, no pulse. He had his phone unlocked and opened to a note. It said something about meeting his reason for existing. He's gone, Michael."

In the span of a week and a half, we had both lost two of the most important people in our lives.

I just wanted to give you all this really short, less-than-two-hundred-words "chapter". The next one will be longer, promise. I'm thinking of doing a character ask? Let me know if you would be interested below.

-here- (comment like yes or no)

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