Ashton and Calum

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We arrive at the local coffee shop and sit in a booth near the back. While Luke and I wait for Cal and Ash, we place our order. I get a simple black coffee and croissant. Luke gets some white girl drink.

Noodle armed breadstick.

As the barista makes the coffees, Ashton and Calum walk in. As per usual, they're holding hands.

Ash and Cal are together. They both the little tally mark tattoo. I remember the day Calum got his like it was yesterday.

My bedroom door swung open, hitting the wall behind it with such force it chipped the paint.

"God damn Calum chill out." I yelled, looking up from my phone. Then it hit me.

Today is Calum's twelfth birthday.

I stand up and run over to an excited Calum, commanding he let me see it. His tattoo was on his forearm. I saw it and gasped.

It was five tally marks.

Just like Ashton's.

I put the pieces togetherand screamed. Calum and Ashton weren't really friends, so Cal had never seen his tattoo. He didn't know Ash well enough to care.

"Calum! Calum, I know who your boyfriend is!" This caused Calum to let out a high pitched scream.

"Take me to him!" He squealed. I laughed and pulled Calum outside, yelling to my parents I would be home soon.

We arrived at Ashton's not much later. I pounded on his door and his younger brother opened it.

"We have to go see Ashton, right now." I said, shoving past him and running up to Ashton's room. When I opened the door, Ashton was pulling a shirt over his head. I'm not gonna lie, Ash has always been pretty fit. He was truly attractive. Calum gasped, and Ashton screamed, having seen Calum's exposed forearm.

They ran to each other's arms, and hugged each other tightly. It was a happy day, and it made my hunger for my lover grow.

The couple sat in front of us as a waitress brought us the freshly made drinks and my croissant. Ash placed a kiss on Calum's head and mumbled something about ordering for him. I felt a light ache in my chest, a longing for my partner. Luke also watched on with a sad smile. We were young, yes, but we would be with this person eventually. And we all really liked cuddles.

"So, what have you guys been up to?" Calum asked, smile bright and cheeks lightly blushed.

Calum and Ash weren't very big on public displays of affection, so when it did happen it always left the one on the receiving end a little flustered.

"I woke up with several dicks drawn on my face this morning, but other than that nothing much." Luke scoffed. Ash giggled as he sat down with his and Calum's drinks.

Ash had several laughs. Sometimes it was like an old man. Sometimes like a little school girl.

"Well maybe you should not have eaten the last three slices of pizza while I was asleep." I answered simply. Cal rolled his eyes at our banter and sipped his coffee.

I added four sugars and two creams to my coffee. I took a sip, and decided it was alright. I listened back in on the conversation, only to hear they were talking about Liz.

"Luke your mom is honestly the best. And you're such a mamma's boy. It is so adorable." Calum laughed. Luke groaned.

"It's okay Luke. We all know Michael is the true mommy's boy here. I heard him on the phone with her the other day, causally chatting about kitchen appliances. How she had 'changed all the taps'." Ashton giggled. I glared at him. I was simply asking my mom a question, which may have turned into a small conversation about what appliances I should purchase for the apartment.

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