2nd Fall from Grace part II

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   "You don't have to tell me this part if you don't want to." She said lowly squeezing his hand, linking his fingers with hers he raised her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.

"No, I want to." He replied then took a deep breath and focused on the blank T.V. screen, "I immediately was suspicious as my brother had never once paid me a visit just to see me as he was claiming now but for my father's sake as always I tried to be open minded. He talked with me for a few minutes then approached me as if he were going to hug me; as he'd been apologizing to me for 'all these years'. I never saw him pull the gun out I only felt the sting of the bullets that was all too familiar too me as they ripped through my flesh; he fired three shots. As I sank to the floor he hunched down right in my face and told me his true intentions...with me gone and father soon to be gone as he worded it everything would be his. In that moment I saw the true darkness within him, and I knew he meant to murder his very own father now that he had murdered me; his own brother." Pulling away from her he got up and started pacing, he didn't want to risk touching her and being so close to her.

"I sat slumped there, my life's blood draining out from me, wondering what I had done to deserve such a fate, pleading for god to forgive me, angry that my father was going to be murdered in cold blood and I couldn't stop it! Angry because after battling through and surviving war that this was how I was going to die, there, alone, and not even a warriors death but the death of a fool that had trusted someone he knew he shouldn't have trusted!" he seethed.

"In the same breath that I plead to God to forgive me I also condemned him out of anger, feeling betrayed by the one person I'd been raised to believe would never betray or abandon me. And, as I lay there, the images about me turning hazy I heard weeping and right before my dulling eyes the most beautiful woman I'd ever beheld seemingly rose right from within the darkness itself. This woman with the face of an angel but the wings and ashen skin of a demon approached me and kissed me and into my ear she whispered, asking if I wanted to live, if I wanted revenge and the piece that got me if I wanted to save my father. In my anger and rage I said yes, with my whole being I said yes, her teeth sunk into my flesh my life being drawn from me and then she pressed my face into the crook of her neck and I drank; I drank greedily as a person might that hadn't had water in days only this wasn't water. Her blood filled my mouth, engorged my nearly bled dry veins, her blood, a nectar sweeter than anything I'd ever tasted; it was lightning in liquid form!" he felt his thirst rage in him, it'd been a long time sense he'd had any of Lillith's blood, his eyes drifted to the throbbing vein in Aria's neck and he quickly looked away.

"Finally she pushed me away, and there was pain, pain like nothing you could ever imagine, in my fear she cooed to me that it was only my body dying. The pain racked me for eternity it seemed before I heard that final gong, that final beat on the bass drum; and then I inhaled I inhaled like I had never breathed before." He pushed his tongue against his teeth subconsciously.

"Once I had awakened from my death she showed me the ropes and then she took me to my father's house and left me there; ah the look of pure terror and surprise on Kain's face when I burst through the window shattering glass everywhere. I didn't say I word, I just took him, I didn't even truly will myself to move, I just did and his blood obliterated even Lillith's lightning turned liquid; I drained every last drop and relished in it." He heard her make a low noise which caused him to spin around, "Is your wound hurting you?" he fretted.

"No, just, right there in front of your father?!" she questioned in shock.

"Yes, but it didn't go as you would think, after I had done it, after he had witnessed what I had become and done my father called me to him, he wanted to see me, he wanted to see what I had become and he did not fear." He felt his lips curve into a fond smile, "He forgave me and it didn't alter his love for me however he asked of me one thing..." he trailed off feeling the pain of his fathers requested as if he asked him just yesterday, raising from the couch she wiped a tear from his face.

"What did he ask?" she questioned; he couldn't help but pull her to him and wrap his arms about her, her arms snaked around him.

"He asked...he asked if I would end his suffering...when the pain got too bad...he said he did not want to suffer as Leila had." He felt his knees give and he sank to the ground pressing his face into her stomach, pain, pain and more pain; old wounds opened once more, "When the time came I fulfilled his wishes and that was my 2nd fall from grace...he was the first innocent life I ever took and the reason I decided to never take an innocent life again." He wept.

He allowed her to pull him to his feet and over to the loveseat where she sat down and pulled him down with her pressing his face into the curve of her neck her arms tightening. Her heart beat in a slowly rhythm, yet a sad sounding rhythm, he buried his face fuller into her throat and inhaled her scent the ache in him slowly easing; she was so tender.

He must have dozed because he woke to the sound of her even, sleep, breathing, untangling himself from her gently he hefted her up and carried her to her bed, her white shirt now stained with his blood tears which also clung dryly to the side of her throat. Using his fingers he wiped the dry blood off then climbed into bed beside her and buried his face in her lush breasts and inhaled; her sent playing on a part of him that was very human. Groaning he kissed the crease between her breasts gently then tightened his arms slightly and allowed himself to drift again.

In his slumber he dreamt fleetingly of the night he had died, dreamt of the night he'd ended his father's suffering and dreamt of Leila, his beautiful Leila.

'Able, my precious Able." She called to him then approaching him she touched his face, warmth radiated from her hand as if he were standing in the sunlight, 'Why do you still punish yourself my Able.' She cooed, then brushed one of her hands across his hair lightly and placed her forehead against his.

'I must atone for my sins sister, I must atone for my curses upon God, I must atone for becoming the monster that I am.' He mumbled attempting to place his hand upon hers but it went through hers and landed on his own face.

'Whenwill you end your suffering my Able, when will you follow your instincts andmake a companion.' she questioned.

  © Eva Henderson, 2016 

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