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   She stood at the counter in a pair of super short shorts and a loose tank top watching something spin around in the microwave, her hair was down, longer than he had thought, and unintentionally he noticed she obviously wore no bra.

"You really shouldn't be standing on it." he said clearing his throat, she had nice legs he noted, trying not to notice anything else. She jumped at his sudden presence a pained look flitting across her face; smell of tomatoes and spices in the air.

"You sit down and I'll get that when it's done, is there anything else you'll need?" he questioned her face blazing.

"I'm fine really; I can do this on my own." She said lowering her gaze, "Not the first time I had to do stuff on a twisted ankle." She continued, hobbling to the fridge she pulled out a bottle of tea then returned to the microwave; he snorted lowly.

"You really aren't accustomed to anyone helping you are you?" he questioned as the microwave let out a beep.

"Well...no one else to depend on but yourself." She snipped slightly in a derisive tone.

He wondered then if she had been doing everything on her own for a long while, and how many people had promised to be there but inevitably in the end were absent and had lied to her. She carried herself, when she didn't know he was there, with her head high, her back straight and an attitude that told you not to mess with her, that she could handle her own, he figured a lot of people probably perceived her as a bitch but he himself thought it was just a front. She distrusted niceness it seemed, doubting its genuineness constantly.

Grabbing her little bowl of microwavable ravioli out of the microwave she returned to where she'd been sitting on the couch.

Sitting facing her one knee bent and on the couch he looked her over, "May I?" he questioned, her flushing once more as she shook her head yes and he lifted her foot placing it against his abs and in his lap; her flush deepened, "So Aria, what about your dad?" he questioned.

"My dad?" she said thoughtfully looking pensive, "My dad was difficult to say the least, we had our fights, but I know dad loved me."

"So, he was present in your life then?"

"Yes, he and mom were married 26 years before she passed; he was present my whole life. As dad got older though he got nastier attitude wise so we argued a lot." She finished then taking out a ravioli she put it in her mouth and chewed.

"Is that any good?" he asked arching an eyebrow at her.

"It's food." She stated flatly, "It's my preferred brand though so yeah it's good I guess." She continued then looked at him curiously, "Can you really not eat?"

"Not in the sense that you do no." he said with a smile, "Liquid is difficult to eat. I uh...I prefer a vegan diet." He finished her eyes growing wide with curiosity.

"Vegan...how do you be a vegan vampire if your source of nutrition is blood?"

"I prefer to feed off the blood of animals, very rarely do I have human blood." Lifting her leg gently he wrapped the ace bandage around it; she had soft skin on her legs but rough feet from years of wearing sandals he supposed. Her hand flew to her throat and she jerked away from him a little.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" she asked nervously, he pursed his lips and looked her in the eye; would his answer frighten her?

"I uh...I would be lying if I said no..." he began then trailed off as she completely pulled away from him, "Trust me if I wanted to kill you I would have by now...you're not my type." He continued a tinge of mixed emotions flitting across her face, distrust, curiosity, anger as if in some way he'd insulted her.

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