Blood Craving

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   Able stood in the bathroom mirror drying his hair, a slight smile coming to his face when once again he noted that Masato had not lied, the x remained across his heart. His smile faded when he heard her groan again however; she'd been in bed and sick all day. Over the weeks she had also become increasingly agitated.

Quickly he moved aside and dropped the towel as she rushed by him and sank to her knees in front of the toilette and began to heave up what little he had been able to get her to eat. Pulling back her hair he frowned, she was 10 weeks already and the baby was taking a lot out of her. Once she finished he lifted her up and carried her to their bed.

"I'll go see if I can come up with something else for you to eat love." He muttered, then left out.

A short while later he stood by as she simply stared at the tray in front of her, looking up at him she glared.

"This is your entire fault!" she screeched then chucked the tray and all at him which he gracefully dodged just as Lilith walked in the door, for the millionth time it seemed Aria started yanking at her clothes, "I'm so hot!" She screeched, rushing to her he attempted to calm her only for her to start hitting him, "Get off me, don't touch me, I hate you!" she screeched, "You had no right to knock me up!" she screeched; he had forgotten almost completely about this part.

Climbing up behind her he pinned her flailing arms her cursing at him continuing as at the same time she cuddled into him.

"I don't know what to do with her Lillith, she can't keep anything down, she's going through wild cold and hot spells and one minute she wants to throttle me the next she wants me to show her she's still beautiful." He said to which Lillith laughed.

"I'm not sure what you expect of me my prince, I have no suggestions for this phase." She said with a laugh as Aria was suddenly twisting in his embrace and kissing on his throat.

"We have company Aria." He ground out.

" smell so good." She whimpered and seemingly at the same time his and Lilith's eyes widened.

"Have you tried feeding her any of your blood lately?" she questioned.

"No, she's not had any sense we made our blood pact." He stated flatly.

"Remember the infant is part you Able." Lilith said as she approached.

Pulling out the small dagger she always kept tucked in her belt Lilith grabbed up Aria's empty cup then snatching one of his arms she ran the blade across it then let it drip into the cup; kneading the wound to keep it open.

"Drink Aria." She said waving the cup past Aria's face, turning Aria grabbed the cup and drank it down, "Dhampirs crave blood as well Able; your mind has become rusty on the subject are you sure you are ready for this?"

"Yes, I just need to brush up on my memory; you're once again my lifesaver my Queen." He said with a smile laughing Lillith turned and left as Aria laid back and sighed softly.

They fell into a pattern, he was glad the others were near to assist him as Aria and the infant could drain him near dry any given day; whenever the infant wanted blood. Thanks to the others they had managed to insure he himself stayed fed and healthy. Other days it seemed like Aria wanted anything and everything in the refrigerator; looking at the calendar he let out a sigh today marked the last day of week 18. They still had no clue what she was having as ultrasounds could not be done on a Dampier baby.

"Two more week." he mumbled to himself as he walked in their bedroom door only to freeze in his tracks.

"Able...come to me." She whispered seductively, she wore a red sheer teddy and had the most salacious look on her face he'd ever seen; his arousal was instantaneous as they had done nothing in weeks.

Obeying her he went to her, she reminded him of a nymph, "Aria." He mumbled, the effect of the blood pact proving true, "My mistress." He whispered then embraced her, her skin was feverishly searing against his own cold skin.

Kissing him deeply she ran her hands across his chest, down his sides, across his hips then cupped his behind; all things she had never done before but all things that seemed excessively arousing at that moment.

"My Able." She whispered then grabbing his shirt she yanked the button front open and kissed the scar above his heart, her tongue tracing across it; his hands tangled in her hair, "You are mine." She growled then he felt her bite his neck hard which caused his control to snap.

He shredded the front of the teddy and pulled her hard against him crushing his mouth to hers; their passion had never burned hotter than it seemed to be doing in that moment when suddenly he felt something hit his abs.

Aria's eyes seemed to clear up suddenly as they both looked down and abruptly started to laugh, "I think I'm getting a loud resounding 'no funny business' from our child." He laughed as the baby kicked again only this time aria let out a little sound of pain, "Ok, ok, calm down little one, let's not hurt your momma." He muttered laying his hand atop her very swollen belly and beginning to hum.

Now that his own head was clear he noted all the bruising all over her abdomen an extreme feeling of guilt building in him.

"I'm so sorry chere." He whispered then gingerly kissed each bruise on her stomach, watching as the infant moved to wherever he kissed.

His moment was interrupted as there was suddenly a loud crack and Aria let out a blood curdling scream as the infant gave a hard kick. Their bedroom door burst open as Lilith and Pandora flew into the room; his panic mounted as there was another crack

"I knew it would be soon." Lilith hissed as she shoved him out of the way, "Pandora go open the door, Able stay out of the way, you'll only complicate things." She snapped then focused her eyes on Aria.

"Able!" Aria cried, as a third snap sounded, "I'm scared!" She screamed and reached for him.

"Lillith...what do I do..." he bit out nervously, eyeing them both she gave him a nod, rushing to Aria's side he took her hand, "I'm here love, you'll be ok, I promise." He whispered then smoothing back her hair he kissed her forehead as she began to rise off the bed.

"She must not be jostled too much." Lilith said as still holding her hand he quickly followed behind.

Upon arriving to one of their guest bedrooms he noted that it had become, in a sense, a hospital room. No sooner than Aria was safely on the bed Lilith went to rushing about hooking her up to machines, wires and tubes.

"This baby will come soon has broken 3 ribs already...I'll leave you to discuss things with her." Lilith stated touching his arm softly.

Soon it was just him and his terrified Aria, grabbing her hand he kissed it, smoothing her hair again, "Try to keep your breathing calm, it will only hurt worse if you don't." he whispered then kissed her cheek noting it's clamminess and over all paleness, " you still hold to your you still hold to this?" he questioned placing her hand against the x across his heart.

Her face paled a little more with fear as he stood up, grabbed up some bandages and ever carefully sat her up and began to wrap her ribs, " you think it will come to that?" she struggled wincing in pain.

He didn't immediately answer despite the feeling that it very well may that was growing quickly within him. Once he had her wrapped up he sat back down and took her hand in his, "I am frightened Aria..." he whispered rubbing his cheek against her hand, "What if...what if I do it wrong...or...I cannot do it...I mean...all vampires can...but..." he mumbled

"I believe in you Able" she whispered in a voice full of trust, faith and love.

  © Eva Henderson, 2016 

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