Future Made Clear

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   He stood with an apron around his shirtless waist cooking Aria the best 5 star meal he could when Pandora returned 2 days later; the doorbell rang and he could smell her and sense her aura. Getting up Aria went to the door and stood on tiptoe slightly to look through the peephole.

"It's Pandora." He called over his shoulder.

"How do you know?" she questioned as the knock came again only impatiently.

He laughed lowly, "I can smell her and sense her aura." He said, taking his word for it she opened the door. In a moment of realization he regretted it as Pandora grabbed hold of Aria and started looking her over which frightened Aria.

"You've bitten her." She seethed, "Even after my warning, you've bitten her!" she seethed more which frightened Aria further, "AND LET HER DRINK!" she almost shouted as Aria let out a frightened cry.

Dropping the turner he flitted over and snatching Aria from Pandora he spun her behind him and let out a menacing growl, Aria trembled even harder and a soft sob came from her; "You've hurt and frightened her." He snarled out feeling his anger crest; Pandora stumbled back a step.

"They'll come after her extra now you fool!" she growled out, "Every vampire she passes now will know she belongs to you! As always your enemies are growing our Lost Lord; do you know what kind of prize is on your head now!" she snarled; Aria's fear reached a fever pitch and rushing past them she fled to her bathroom and locked herself in.

"Dammit." To his surprise he and Pandora both hissed in unison.

Hurrying to the door he knocked lightly, "I'm sorry cherie, please come out."

"No, go away." She cried, he could hear here heaving breath.

"I'm sorry too Aria, please; calm yourself or you're going to make yourself ill." Pandora said just as they heard her heave.

"Dammit Pandora, what is wrong with you." He hissed lowly, "You've never once acted that way about my marking someone."

"I wanted her to be safe...I figured if you two would just split they'd leave her alone, but they'll never leave her alone now. They're after your head Able, humans and vampires now; I even discovered a pack of Lycans discussing you." She muttered then gave him a wicked grin, "They didn't live long." Her smile deepened, "You know I don't like Lycans."

"Cherie, please come out, we're sorry, we'll be on our best behavior I promise." He called relieved when the door clicked.

Rushing in he pulled her hair back as she heaved again, the little taste of his blood he'd allowed her earlier that morning stained the bowl red.

"I'm sorry Ar..." Pandora began only for Aria to cringe and hide behind him, "I...I'm sorry..." Pandora said with hurt in her eyes, "I didn't mean to frighten you or harm you." She muttered then left out of the bathroom.

Looking Aria over he saw the angry bruises already showing up where Pandora's tiny hands had grabbed; this he thought was why they always had to be in control when touching a human.

Grabbing a cloth he got it wet in the sink and wiped at Aria's face, 'Here, take a sip, just enough to calm your nerves." He mumbled then running his nails across his chest he pulled her to him and grabbed the edge of the sink cabinet when she suckled lightly. "Mn...fuck..." he moaned as instant arousal hit him and he grew uncomfortably hard.

Pulling away Aria leaned against the tub the usual glassy, high, look to her eyes; grabbing her hand he lead her out into the living room and past Pandora to seat her on the loveseat; Pandora gave a low snort of derision.

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