Change the World - Dancing

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I danced with the wind today

as it chased the leaves and branches

round the sky. Across our hill the grass waved to me

to join in the revelry and celebration

of the joyous dance of life.

I have danced my whole life,

even unto the holy grail of formal exams

with medals and statuettes to mark the years of suits

and formal dresses and waxed dance floors.

All the girls love a good dancer.

I've tried to dance with rainbows

as they skitter across the landscape forever

calling seekers to follow and find the golden secret of life.

Most fall into the illusion of the light

that flickers off the source.

I have watched the dance of death

as the powers of nature storm with boots on

across the dance floor of life unable to control themselves,

reducing any who followed their lead

to cataclysm and destruction.

I have tried the dance of life

but my feet were too clumsy as I made

this movement or that. and I was always out of step. I am

too heavy to tread the light fantastic with

the ephemeral power of creation.

We all dance in someway

through all that happens around and

inside of the being that we rarely understand as self.

Dancing to escape from the stresses

of a life thought too painful.

Dancing perhaps to forget

that all is illusion and all is dust at

our passing. Yet the dance remains and the steps you

created maybe those that give purpose

to those that learn your steps.

How often do you dance alone

in the silence of your own inner music

Forgetting the great dances are with partners held close

and moving as one with tempo and rhythm

that hints at the joy of unity.

You reading this, ignore the crowd

and dance as if there is no competition.

Let your whole being feel the music of life move you,

leaving nothing but honest footprints

to hint at the joy of your being.

Dance as if there is no-one else

to share the stage, to share with across

the ages, and only your shadow left to follow your lead.

Dance the dance of the unity of being

where you ARE the dance.

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