Escape (Ch. 9)

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Sting's pov

I ran towards the king's room. If the Rebal was loose, surely he'd go after the king! I was panicking inside. If the king got hurt, it'd be all my fault! Guards were racing around, trying to find the Rebal and attempting to guard all the exits. I made it to the king's chambers and hastily knocked on the door.

"Come in." The king said. I burst into the room.

"My lord. The Rebal is loose. We must get you to safety!" I said urgently. King Jiemma chuckled.

"You have nothing to worry about. That boy is smarter then he looks. He knows better then to attack me with no back up. I am perfectly safe." He said.

I raised an eyebrow. "If you don't mind me asking my lord, how do you know him?" I asked. King Jiemma laughed.

"I simply asked his mother to do a task for me. The boy burst into the room and his mother was killed from doing said task. I can only assume that he's sworn vengeance." King Jiemma said.

"I... I see." I said. I frowned a bit. I wanted to ask what task his mother had been doing, but I got the feeling that the conversation was over.

What Jiemma told me, only made me more confused. If the Rebal's mother had worked for the king, why would he be trying to kill him?!

Rogue's pov

I sat on the roof and watched the guards run around frantically. I rolled my eyes at their stupidity. If they just bothered to look up, they'd see me! Dumbasses.

I sighed and decided to make my way to where my weapons were. I stood up and jumped to another roof. I kept my balance. Most of the guards were outside the castle or near the king. I should be okay as long as I stay away from the king. I couldn't help but snort a bit.

The kings defenses were terrible. When I get back to the base, I am definitely going to make a plan to storm the castle. If I'd known the defenses had gotten this weak... I would've made the plan even sooner. The main problem were the three generals and their newest solider, Erza Scarlet.

They could cause some problems.

I silently walked through the halls and made my way to the armory. I had only acted unconscious while Laxus carried me. So I knew what they had done with my weapons. I was a bit worried for rest of the assassins. I was also worried for Freed. He had been witness to my capture.

He had a habit of blaming himself whenever something bad happened when he was around. I sighed and kept walking. I finally made it to the armory. I frowned when I saw that there were no guards. I would've thought that there'd be more guards.

Unless.... I shook my head. It was all too possible that this might be a trick to get me to lead them back to the base. I clenched mt fists. I was going to have to risk it. The only problem was that we wouldn't have lot of time to plan our attack. I frowned and began looking for my weapons.

They were sitting on a table. I grabbed my knifes, daggers, darts and finally my katana. It was given to me by my instructor. Maybe I could get him to join the fight... I put all of my weapons in their proper places and made my way out of the armory. I crept out of the palace and made my way to the gate.

"Hey! It's the Rebal!!!!!" Someone yelled. I groaned. Great....

Sting's pov

I left the king's chambers quietly. I was so confused. I just want this conflict to end! I walked outside, still deep in thought. I wanted answers. If I can get to the Rebal before anyone else, I might be able to talk to him and get some answers!!! I looked around, searching for the Rebal.

"Hey! It's the Rebal!!!!!" I whirled and looked in the direction of the voice. Sure enough, there, standing in the shadows was the Rebal. He started sprinting towards the gate. I gave chase, I couldn't let him out of my sight! This man had escaped my once before, I won't let it happen again.

I ran as fast as I could, but it wasn't enough. The Rebal ran through the gate. I was determined to get answers, so I kept chasing him. I saw look over his shoulder and his eyes widened slightly. He ran even faster, but so did I.

We ran through the streets of Crocus, both of us starting to get tired. Finally, we started running along a familiar dirt path. We both burst into the small garden and I nearly collapsed. The Rebal stumbled towards the bench I had first seen him on. He placed his hand on it, panting.

I was bending over, with my hands on my knees. The Rebal kept his eyes on me, but made no move to attack. Suddenly, the Rebal chuckled. I stared at him in surprise.

"It's been awhile since I've run that much." He said softly. He had a fond expression on his face, as if he was remembering something. I simply stared at him in confusion.

"Huh?" I asked. His attention returned to me, and he laughed again.

"You haven't changed one bit." He mused. I simply continued to stare at him. What was he talking about? How could he know me? We've never even met properly.

He sat and stared at. "I assume you have some questions for me?" He said. I was still catching my breath, but I was shocked to see that he was fine. He was no longer panting at all. He stared at me expectantly. I took a deep breath.

"Why are you doing this?!" I blurted out. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"You mean why am I trying to kill the king?" He said.

"Yes! Why? Are you doing it for power? Money? Revenge? Why???" I cried.

"I'm not doing this for any of those reasons. I will admit, it started as getting revenge for my mothers death, but now, I'm doing it to free this kingdom." He said.

"What?! Free the kingdom? From what?" I asked, bewildered. He sighed sadly.

"You may know this, but the king murdered my mother. She had done nothing wrong! He... He stabbed her right in front of me!" He said, his fists clenched tightly.

"I was furious. I was devastated. It was my fault. I had been searching for her. I had wanted to tell her what I had seen, the day before. I wanted to tell her that I had seen Jiemma murder the king. I burst through the doors to the throne room. If I hadn't done that.... She never would have cast the spell. She would still be alive today!" He said angrily.

"Wait. Hold up. What do you mean he stabbed her?! And she cast a spell? And the kings murder?" I said.

"My mother was a magician. Jiemma ordered her to make everyone forget about the old the king and royal family. He used me to blackmail her into doing it. Once the spell had been cast, he killed her. Everyone thought he was the real king, the only king. The prince doesn't even remember who he really is. Everyone part of Assassin's Fight, knows the truth. My mother gave me the power to show people the truth."

I stared at him shock. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"They know the identity of the prince. Once we dispose of Jiemma, we will give the throne to the rightful ruler, the prince." He said. He stared at me.

"Sting. I hope you're ready for what's to come."

- I am so sorry for the late update! DX My tablet was taken away for three days, so I wasn't able to write or update! Sorry.

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