Discouvering The Truth Sort Of (Ch. 8)

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Rogue's pov

I blinked a few times and opened my eyes. I was blinded by sunlight that leaked through the one window. My eyes slowly adjusted to the light and I took in my surroundings. I was in a relatively small room with nothing in it. Their was one window with bars instead of glass and a large, heavy wooden door.

I stood up and walked over to the window and saw that I was in a tower. I felt a little dizzy at first from being knocked out. I studied the room, but couldn't find anything that I could use to escape. I closed my eyes and rubbed them. Freed and the others most likely think I'm dead.

I sat down again and started to think. A guard was most likely to come and give me my meal. When that happens, I may be able to grabbed a knife or something. I could only hope that I could find a way to escape.

Sting's pov

I was currently kneeling in front of the king.

"My lord. What shall we do with the Rebal?" I asked. King Jiemma stood up.

"I will go see him and you will accompany me." He said.

"Yes my lord." I said. King Jiemma walked past me and I quickly followed. I hope that Rebal gets what he deserves.

Rogue's pov (Again.)

I sat against the wall and waited for something to happen. I was bored out of my mind. If they wanted to drive me insane with isolation, it was working. I frowned. I told everyone who the prince was, but I fear, that in their rage, someone might kill the prince.

If that happened, everything would be for nothing and the kingdom's new ruler might be just as corrupted as Jiemma. I heard the door rattle a bit and I turned to look at it. The door was opened, revealing King Jiemma and Sting. I raised an eyebrow, but remained silent.

I completely ignored Sting, and stared at the king in hatred. I desperately wanted to grabbed Sting's sword and run the king through, but I restrained myself. All in due time Rogue... I thought. I glared at the king. King Jiemma smirked at me.

"Hello Rogue. It's been awhile." He said. I saw Sting look at the king in surprise. I said nothing. King Jiemma stalked towards me.

"Tell me Rogue, where is the Rebal's base, and who is your leader." He said, grabbing my face and forcing me to face him. I remained silent.

"Answer the question." Sting said. I simply rolled my eyes.

"I don't know." I said. King Jiemma slapped me hard.

"Tell me!" He bellowed. I smirked at him.

"After you murdered my mom? Yeah, no." I said. Sting looked at me in shock. I slowly let my face lose any expression. King Jiemma stared at me and I glared back.

King Jiemma turned around and stalked away, with Sting following close behind. I settled back against the wall and fingered the dagger I stole off of Jiemma. He was such an idiot, can't even tell when his daggers gone. I knew that he would know sooner then later, so I stood up and started filling the bar if the window.

Surprisingly, they weren't made of steel or iron. Instead, they were made of wood, painted grey. I kept at it and broke one. Finally, after a little bit, I managed to break all of them. I figured, since it was so high up, King Jiemma saw no threat of escape.

Too bad I can climb. I thought. I managed to fit my body out the window, and grabbed the side of the roof. I climbed to the top and sat down. It was slanted, but I kept my balance. I scanned the area, looking for an escape route. There were guards everywhere. I frowned in annoyance.

This will be harder then I thought...

Freed's pov

I went on the small stage to tell the bad news. Our leader, was dead. I couldn't believe it myself. I hated King Jiemma. Everyone I care about gets killed or hurt because of him. I was going to avenge Rogue. No matter what.

"Fellow assassins, I bring bad news. Our leader, Rogue Cheney, was killed in battle." I said sadly. People stared at me in shock.

"I will be our leader for the time being. I propose, that we attack the castle soon! We will make a plan to kill the king and finally ending this conflict and corruption!" I said.

Everyone cheered at the idea. We were finally going to end this.

Don't worry Rogue. I'll avenge you and your mother.

Sting's pov

I walked back towards the Rebals cell. I couldn't get what he said out of my mind.

"After you murdered my mother?"

I clenched my jaw. Was that the reason? Revenge? But the king was fair and just! Why would so many people want revenge? It was all so confusing! I was going to ask this Rebal why he did what he did. I knew that he was important to the Rebals. I was almost one hundred percent sure.

I walked up all the steps of the tower, deep in thought. I reached the door and opened it. I looked inside, but... the Rebal was nowhere to be found. I saw the window and ran to it. I looked outside, trying to find him, but I couldn't see him anywhere?! Where did he go? How the hell did he escape?!

I ran out of the room and raced down the steps.

"The prisoner has escaped!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. A few guards stared at me in surprise, before running to sound the alarms.

"Start a search! Find him at all costs!" I said. I frowned. Where could he be?

- In case you haven't noticed, there hasn't been a lot of romance, so I was thinking that I might do a sequel! Would you guys like that? There would definitely be more romance in it. Let me know in the comments.

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