Past And Defeat (Ch. 2)

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Laxus' pov

I lugged Orga back to the palace. We were both a bit scratched up, but I was surprised that the Rebals didn't kill us while they had the chance... I shook my head. I didn't need to think about that. What was important, was how we were gonna break the news to the king. I could only imagine how he'll react.

I finally made it to the palace. Many of the guards either gave me confused looks, or pity ones. I didn't like either of them. I growled at anyone who looked my way. I dropped Orga off at the med center, then made my way to the king's room. I stood in front if the door and grimaced.

The king was very good at giving punishments to those who failed. I took a deep breathe and knocked.

"Come in." Came the kings booming and controlling voice. I walked and saw the king standing by the window, his back to me. I bowed on my knees.

"My lord. I bring news." I said.

"Oh?" He said.

"The Rebals... have unfortunately managed to escape and they killed the senator." I said through gritted teeth. I hated the Rebals. No, I despised them. I wanted to kill each and every one in slow, painful ways.

"I see. Now matter, I have a replacement for him anyways. Someone who isn't a coward or disloyal." He said. I furrowed my brows. I was confused. Why would the king want to kill his own senator? I said nothing and kept kneeling.

The king walked over to me. "You have learned your lesson, no? Do not underestimate the enemy." He said.

"I will my lord." I said. I now knew first hand of what they were capable of. They were evil beings, trying to kill our beloved king and the innocent senators. They were despicable.

"You are dismissed." King Jiemma said. I stood up and left the room, still seething about my pitiful defeat.

"Whoa. What's wrong with you? And what the hell happen to you? I heard that Orga was in the med center." Sting said, coming up behind me.

"He is. And the Rebals are what happened." I said. Sting frowned.

"The Rebals did this to you and Orga?" He asked. I could tell that he was mad, mad that this had happened.

"Yes. They were much stronger then I anticipated." I said. Sting blinked in surprise.

"Wait, they were that strong?" He asked in shock. I nodded my head.

"I was up against only one, and he managed to knocked me out. He was strong and very skilled with a sword." I said bitterly. Why would a man as skilled as that join the stupid Rebals? I thought.

"Geez. I had no idea they were that powerful." Sting's voice ripped me from my thoughts.

"Yeah... We're going to have to train harder." I said, before I stalked off, Sting watching me.

??? pov

I ran across several roofs as I made my way to our base. I had just finished distributing most of the shipment that we captured to the poorer people in the kingdom. I was always depressed when I came back. I just found it very difficult to see. I remembered going into poverty after the new king was crowned.

The king kicked me and my family out of the castle. We didn't have anything except what was on our backs. My father had been one of the most respected knights in the army and he had taught me everything I know about sword play.

I remembered the day he died too. My mum and sister had already passed away due to sickness. My father was desperate to keep me alive, and that in the end was what killed him. He worked so much for me, that he drove himself to the grave.

He also caught the same sickness that my mum and sister had, and to make sure I didn't get it, he committed suicide. I remember finding his body, his favorite dagger sticking out of his chest, his wide, lifeless eyes staring at me. I had been horrified. I ran out of our house and ended up in an alleyway.

I had been 14 at the time. In the alleyway, a large gang appeared and wanted my money. If I didn't have any, they would take my body. I had been terrified. I had been weaponless and I didn't have any money. I remember they jumped on me and tried to rip my clothes away, until one of them dropped dead.

A small boy, who couldn't have been more then eleven years old, was standing over the body, a fire in his eyes. The gang were shocked to see this small boy, take out of their own. Before they could even pull out a weapon, the boy had killed them all. I was shocked.

This boy.... was amazing... He saved me, and I owed him my life. He asked me if I had family, and I told him no. The boy had smiled at me and said

"Then I guess we'll be family!" I remember grasping his hand and he helped me up. As soon as I did, I remembered everything. The old King, his murder and the new king Jiemma. I stared at the boy in shock, once again.

The boy told me that a spell had been cast over the whole kingdom by his mother under the order of the new king. He also explained how he planned to kill King Jiemma and hand the throne to the rightful ruler, the real prince of Crocus. I owed him, plus after all that he showed me, I wanted to help.

We became close friends and we started forming a group that the boy called Assassin's Fight. It was our original name, but many call us the Rebals. Many have joined us.

The boy was our boss. He's all grown up now. All this happened eight years ago. I was still proud to call him my leader and friend. He was such an intelligent, kind and strong man. He was so strong, that no one has beat him so far. I've never vocally asked, but I often wonder when he got his skills at sword play.

I jumped on another roof. I was closer to the base now. The only way to access it, was through a small hole in the ground. You had to push a button that was there and a door opened, revealing the entrance. We normally didn't meet there, for it would cause too much suspicion.

The boss did spend a lot of time there though. I walked down the staircase and into the main room. It didn't look like much, but that was the point. I pushed a small brick and another doorway appeared. This one had people in it. Not many, but still people.

I walked with purpose and headed to the boss' room. I knocked on the door.

"Who's there?" The voice on the other side demanded. I smiled. Still as demanding as ever...

"It's me, Freed Justine." I said calmly. There was silence, before I heard the door unlock. I pushed it open and walked in. The room was dimly lit, but you could see a desk and many bookshelves filled with books.

"What do you need Freed?" The boss asked.

"I came to tell you that the mission was a success." I said calmly. The boss leaned back in his seat, his hood still covering his face.

"I see. Thank you Freed. I will see you in a bit." He said softly. I smiled at him, before turning around and walking out.

"Goodbye. I will see you soon."

- For those of you who are wondering, this is what Freed is wearing. I don't own this, it belongs to the creators of assassin's creed. Freed's hair is also braided and runs down his back.

 Freed's hair is also braided and runs down his back

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