Chapter 22. Belle and Giovanni

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Chapter Twenty-two

Belle and Giovanni 

Two years had passed. Chief was no longer required, as the customs officers at the Standstead crossing had succumbed to bribery. Dan, because of a successful violent showdown with the Lanthiers, their main bootlegging rivals, was now able to make two or three uncontested runs every month. The Ambrossinis were so pleased with Dan's role in the enterprise that they extended him an invitation to a late summer picnic at their Georgeville estate.  

"And bring that darling sister of yours too." 

They drove down to Georgeville in Dan's new Ford truck. Belle was quite apprehensive. Had she dressed appropriately for such an occasion? There were bound to be big city girls in attendance and they were sure to be wearing the latest fashions. Would her prim, long sleeved white ruffled blouse, straw hat, and ankle length black skirt be appropriate? Dan wondered about the suitability of the truck. 

A formally dressed servant waved them through the gates. Dan thought he didn't look quite as comfortable without his gun. Signs directed them to a gravel-covered parking space to the far side of the palatial house. The lot was almost full, filled, not with Model Ts, but with Lancias, expensive looking Alfa Romeos, and other sporty imports from Europe. Belle looked at Dan, raised her eyebrows in feigned mock surprise, and proclaimed the obvious. "They must be stinking rich, Dan." 

The party was in full swing in front of the house where a large manicured lawn sloped down towards the lake. As they approached along a path beside the house, they heard the sound of a band, not a traditional brass band, but one of those jazz groups that they had heard so much about. On turning the corner they spotted  the band playing in a gazebo, situated at the centre of the lawn. Beside the gazebo stood a raised wooden platform filled with dancers flailing their limbs in the most unconventional way. 

Dan was intrigued by the band instruments, a stand up piano, two saxophones, two trumpets, a snare drum, and a trombone. The band members, who were in constant motion as they played, were most unsuitably dressed for the summer heat. They were all wearing woollen suits, ties and the silliest looking skullcaps. The pianist was even wearing spats. Despite their unusual clothing and unnecessary gymnastics, the band was producing an exhilarating sound. 

The sight of young women flapping on the stage took Belle, who normally would be eyeing the young men, by surprise. They had cast aside their ankle strapped high-heeled shoes and were dancing with little regard for their silken stockings on the knotted wooden floor. The dresses were a shock to Belle. They were one piece, belted slightly below the waist, with a pleated skirt scandalously raised above knee level. The clinging, form fitting silk and violent motions, revealed that many of the young women had forsaken the propriety of conventional underwear. 

Dan and Belle took a seat under one of the many umbrella-shaded circular tables scattered around the lawn, and watched in amazement as the jitterbug continued. Formally dressed servants circulated amongst the tables expertly handling huge trays filled with clinking glasses of ice-filled beverages. Belle found them so cool and tasty. 

When the music stopped, the crowd of freely perspiring dancers made their way to the water's edge. The men, most of them dressed for tennis or boating, removed their shoes and socks on the shore, rolled up their outrageously cuffed trousers and cooled their aching feet in the refreshing lake water. The women were more discreet. They retired to the temporary bathing huts on the shore to remove their silk stockings before decorously wading out to join their partners. Subsequent horseplay resulted in a soaking for many. 

Giovanni, their host, along with several of the guests, had prepared himself for a more conventional swim. He emerged on to the patio in front of the house, a young woman on his arm. He had seen Belle and Dan, and made his way through the crowd towards them. Belle, by now a little worse for wear, stared as he approached. He was as handsome as she remembered; the sleeked down jet-black hair parted in the middle, the sparkling brown eyes, and the pencil thin moustache. His one-piece woollen swimsuit revealed previously unseen muscular shoulders and startling thighs.

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