Chapter 20

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Everything continued quite domestically for a while, with everybody working and Zayn and Liam still following a couple of classes, with Harry basically living with them in the apartment. They had routines and their schedules fitted together perfectly. 

When Louis’ done with working, he’d join Harry and help him out until his workday was officially over, then they would either say goodbye or drive to the apartment together, where Liam would be unpacking groceries and Zayn dressing for work. 

Then Louis would cook for them and Liam and Zayn would head off to work, Louis would do some grading or finances or other important stuff and most days Harry would spent that time doing his exercises, assigned by his psychologist. Then they would watch a bit of television, cuddling, kissing, and Harry would go and shower. 

Somewhere around that time Liam would return and right before Harry would come out, Zayn would be home as well. A bit damp, but very clean Harry would join them on the couch and all of them would talk each other through their days until they headed off to bed, mixing partners every night. It was the same almost every day and that was good for all of them.

It was a delightful routine that bothered none of them, was even beneficial. The settled feeling that would wash over Harry when he’d exit the bathroom and see all his boys on the couch was enough reassurance for him, swallowing any worries or doubt he’d might have. It was the same feeling he’d have after a panic attack had successfully been ended, knowing the people he cared for were okay and with him. Like a shepherd trying to keep his flock together.

Louis was still having trouble missing Liam and Zayn the entire evening, busying himself with tasks so he could just pretend the boys were in the living room. He didn’t like the idea of his boys having to deal with people that wouldn’t be patient with them, wouldn’t understand them. He was scared that if these experiences wouldn’t go well, they would become as afraid of people as Louis had pictured them to be in the first place. The two had successfully taught him that they weren’t scared of humanity, but Louis couldn’t stop his head from making up all these what-if’s. 

He’d become almost annoyingly strict about the boys taking their medication, especially ever since they had gotten their first pay-check and they were both able to buy them for themselves. Louis’ number one fear was that either one of them would have an episode at work, not only because they’d be fired, but because of the damage they could do to themselves and their environment. Louis just wanted to wrap them up in bubble wrap and keep them inside the apartment forever, but he knew very well Liam and Zayn would never let him. He also sort of understood it wouldn’t be good for them to be locked up like that, but he advocated for his arguments stubbornly when they ever spoke about it. 

Because Zayn and Liam knew it wasn’t completely Louis’ fault he was so scared of the new situation, and because somewhere it was nice to know he wanted to protect them, and because they also knew Harry was nervous about them being away from time to time, they compromised. 

The two boys promised to write down exactly when they had to work, and after one week, they had calculated how long they were travelling, so Louis and Harry knew exactly when to expect them back. They vowed to never be home later than that, as long at the travelling time had ten minutes of grey area for traffic and such.  

To others it would sound wrong and compulsive, they would advice Liam and Zayn to run from the other two while they could. But for them, it worked. Simply, all they ever wanted to do was make each other happy, and if that was by coming home at a discussed time, they did it with love. 


That day was as normal as it could’ve been, Louis taught some classes, drove home with Harry, cooked dinner and settled on the couch. Harry smiled bashfully as he pecked one last kiss to Louis’ lips before scurrying off to the bathroom. Louis grinned after him and settled back comfortably against the cushions as he mindlessly watched some kind of cooking show. 

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