Chapter Five: New Videos

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Dying Inside:

Chapter 5:

Annaliese’s POV:

This @curlytop94 and I DM’d all night until it was time for him to get off. He was a really cool guy and he loves One Direction just like I am. I woke up from the light shining in my face. I got up and stretched, standing up. I walked to my closet and put on a red sweatshirt that says Enjoy Coca-Cola on it in white letters and blue jean shorts. I took a shower and got dressed, leaving my hair loose. I walked downstairs to see Carlee and McKenna eating breakfast. I sat down beside them and started eating. I went on twitter on my phone and went through my timeline. “When is One Direction coming?” carlee asked me. “Next Friday.” I said to her. “12 more days left.” She smiled and I smiled too. “Do you think we’ll get tickets?” she asked. “Of course, I have my own way.” I smiled to myself as I saw a new tweet from curly.

@curlytop94: rainy mornings are the best x

^@Anna-BananaGardner: aren’t they :) @curlytop94

@curlytop94: yeah, they’re so relaxing :) xx

I smiled and put my phone away. I finished eating and washed my dishes. I took my enzymes and went upstairs with my medicine container. I laid on my floor and grabbed my laptop. I turned it on and logged onto my YouTube and Twitter. I saw I had many views on my first video and many people were asking a how do I monitor my Cystic Fibrosis video. I grabbed my camera and turned it on. I fixed my hair and got everything situated before pressing record. “Hey guys, its Anna and this video was the most requested from everyone. Here’s how I take care of my CF like my different medicines and the therapies I do.” I said, standing up and picking up my camera. “We’re about to go downstairs and see the therapies I do.” I said before stopping record and walking downstairs. “Are you doing a new video?” McKenna asked me as she rolled her neck. I nodded and pressed record again. “Now we’re downstairs and I’ll show you my therapies and my family members.” I pointed the camera to McKenna. “Say hey Ken.” I said as she rolled her neck and made a clicking noise. “Hey.” She smiled, clicking her mouth again. I moved the camera to Carlee and Mama. “Say hey.” I said. They both waved and smiled. I smiled too and walked over to my machines. “This is my vest and my nebulizer. I do this every morning and evening and I just do my nebulizer in the morning. My vest shakes the mucus off of my lungs and my nebulizer helps with the breathing.” I handed the camera to my mom as I sat down on the couch. I put the purple vest around my body and clipped it together. “These tubes hook onto the vest like this.” I put the tubes on and grabbed my nebulizer bag. I unzipped it and took out the actual machine, tubes, and the mouthpiece. “This is my nebulizer, here’s the mouthpiece and I put the white part into my mouth and I put the medicine into the clear bowl, I hook the tubes on and I turn it on. I use this until the medicine is all out which is usually for 10-15 minutes.” I put it away and put it on the floor. I moved my bangs out of my face as I showed them the vest machine. “My voice is going to sound really weird when I turn this on.” I smiled and coughed into my arm. I turned the machine on and the vest started to fill with air. “It fills up with air before shaking.” I said, humming softly. After filling with air, it started shaking. “As you can see it shakes and as it shakes, the mucus in my lungs starts coming off and I usually cough into a napkin.” I said shakily and let it run for a few minutes as I coughed. I turned it off and the vest started to deflate. I coughed into a Kleenex and threw it away, drinking some water. “Now let’s go back upstairs and I’ll show you guys my different medicines.” I smiled and grabbed the camera from my mama. I let it go to them as they waved and smiled and I turned off record. “See you later.” Kenna smiled as I walked upstairs.

Harry’s POV:

I laid on the couch with my laptop on my lap as Louis walked by with a bag of crisps. “Still waiting for that girl’s video?” he asked with a smirk. “Yeah.” I blushed and refreshed the page. I saw she posted and I clicked on the video. I watched it along with Louis and smiled the entire time. “Wow.” He said and I looked at him. “We have to meet this girl.” He said and I nodded.

The video on the left was where I got inspiration for Anna’s video :)

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