Twenty Four.

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"You looked like heaven and I felt like hell"


A few weeks later I had a steady routine in the pack. I would wake up each morning around eight, the bed still slightly warm and dented with Grayson's curves. I would quickly grab a small bite to eat before going on a run. The pack land had gravel trails that ran throughout and snaked into the woods. By nine I had already ran a few miles and was preparing myself at the training center. Jack had taken it upon himself to train me. This particular morning I was doing squats and sit-ups. Jack was doing them along side me encouraging me as I went. While he was faster and better at these exercises, I had definitely beat him yesterday boxing. I was quick and was easily able to out smart him, never making the same moves twice.

I confined in Jack. I felt as though I could tell him anything. He knew about my trip to the pack doctor and was always encouraging to speak up to Gray.

"He's really had some hard stuff go on, you know? I know he's a bit of a jerk, but its because he doesn't understand you. You don't have a wolf and while he has a strong mate connection to you, you don't have the same abilities. He knows you are strong though. I know he was watching you beat me up the other day. That scares him to. He figures if humans can train to beat up a werewolf..."

He cuts himself off there.

"He just doesn't want to lose you Will."

Sometimes I couldn't help feel as if though Jack should have been my mate. How many less problems would we have? Things could be different. I quickly pushed those thoughts out of my head. They were a disease. These what if's swirled in my mind making my stomach feel like acid. I shouldn't be feeling this way.

The more time I spent with Gray, the less vile thoughts I had. We were becoming connected again, a happy couple. Whether we went out for dinner or saw a movie at home, we were becoming one. My love was growing stronger and I knew we were finally getting someplace in our tangled relationship.

It was clarity.

At the beginning we were swimming in a pool of water which then turned into gelatin, then acid, and back to gelatin. Now we were breaking through and floating on top. Sure there were days when I went to bed alone and woke up the same way, but Gray was busy and always made it up to me.

The next Saturday morning a pack member was talking about how her babysitter, a human, had cancelled on her for the weekend. She was supposed to watch her 8 month year old while she and her husband went out of town for a few days. I volunteered myself for the job and within forty minutes both of them were headed out the door for the airport. They had a two bedroom suite on the east wing of the pack house. I was going to be staying in their room while they were gone so I had access to the attached nursery. Baby Chase was sleeping while they left so I left the room to move some of my things into their room for the weekend. As soon as the baby was up I was a babysitting machine. It was seven at night and I was trying to get him to fall asleep.

As I rocked him I sang,

"My red balloon,

My red balloon,

Flies up, up, to the sky.

I jumped up high,

To reach the sky,

But could not reach it; Why?

My red balloon,

My red balloon,

Flies up, up, to the sky. "

As I finished the door pushed open.

Gray stepped in and motioned he would be in our room. I heard his footsteps echoing down the hall as I placed Chase in his crib. I set up the baby monitor and left to spend some time with Gray. I found him in our room watching "The Breakfast Club". I silently snuggled up next to him. He wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me to his warm body. We lay next to each other, hearts beating as one, watching the ending of the film.

I hadn't even realized I'd fallen asleep in the wrong room until I woke to the sound of a screaming baby. I groaned and shuffled out of bed to the dresser where I left the monitor. I picked the monitor up, eyes adjusting to the lit screen. Clearly visible was Gray's tanned shoulders and arms rocking Chase.

The monitor made no more noise until the morning. Gray was already gone, off to working in his office so I made my way to the room feeding and changing the now happy baby.

Gray and I never spoke about that night but I felt content knowing he got up to take care of the baby I was clearly supposed to watch just to let me rest.

My love was growing and I felt giddy, high on feeling happy and loved.


....AND there it is!

Some questions for ya'll...

How are you feeling about where this is going? Anything you want to happen?

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