Chapter Two:

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Eric's POV:

"What is all the fuss about Eric?" Laura came around the corner almost bumping into me.  I almost had a heart attack.

"Anna was already here?" I asked in dismay, putting my hands to my head.

"Yes," Laura replied taking my hand and lowering it.  "She also made me share her memories so she didn't have to explain everything to me.  I know what happened between you two, and I know how much trouble you went through to get the stone.  I'm grateful for that."

I looked at our clasped hands and suddenly knew what I was supposed to do.  I had already known that this time would come, but I had hoped it would come later.  I sighed.

"There's something I have to ask you Laura..." I started.

"Not now Eric," she pleaded.  "Later, after I've had time to think."

"Of course," I replied.  Why did she have to be stubborn still?  "Let me walk you to your chamber?"

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary," she replied curtsying.  "I will escort myself."

"It's funny," I called as she started to walk away.  "The first night that you were here you didn't want to go alone.  Now... you're different."

"Am I?" Laura asked intrigued.  "I don't feel different."

"You act different," I explained myself.  "I just feel like you're a different person."

"Maybe death has knocked some sense into my silly head," she teased before walking the length of the hallway.  "But my love still hasn't changed for you Eric," I heard her call.  "I still love you despite all you've done."

"I'm glad death hasn't changed that part of you Laura," I replied.  She smiled before turning the corner and disappearing.

I lowered my eyes to the floor in shame.  I shouldn't have told Anna my feelings for her, it was wrong, but I don't regret it.  And now I have to figure out where she is and where the stone is to keep both of them safe from Jack.

I turned back the way I had come and called off the search for Anna.  I would have to find her myself.

Anna's POV:

I fingered the ring between my thumb and pointer finger hoping that I could get the courage to break it and let Eric move on.  There would be nothing left for me even if I did get out of here.  I took the ring in both of my hands and started to twist it.  The same little tug on my heart started and I gasped.  I couldn't do it.

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and I quickly shoved the ring into the top drawer of the antique make-up table just as Jack popped in.

"Jack," I whispered, flustered.  "I didn't think you would come back till tomorrow."

"Never mind what you thought," he snapped.  "I just found out from a reliable source that soulless people can feel the presence of the stone.  I can't feel it Anna and you're going to tell me why."

"It's not here," I replied smoothly.  "I don't have it."

I smiled as he kicked the nightstand in frustration.  "Listen Anna," he came forward, evil in his eyes.  I gripped the table behind me in fright.  "I need that stone, and I need it now!"

I blinked at his tone and nodded.  "I know Jack, but I can't tell you where it is.  I won't."

"It's with your little friends, isn't it," Jack assumed, smiling.  "It's with the person I killed, isn't it."

"He's not dead anymore," I said raising an eyebrow.  "I raised him to life.  He will find me Jack, and when he does he'll defeat you."

"It's with him isn't it Anna," Jack questioned.  I smiled.

"It's not," I insisted.  The truth be told, it wasn't.  It was with Laura, but she didn't know that yet.  I would send a messenger out myself if I could find on loyal enough to do my work.  Maybe Edwin still worked here... I could use him knowing that he worked for the Queen.

"Enough games!  Do you remember these?" he asked bringing out a small needle and a golden dagger.

"You said those can't hurt me Jack... it's all in the imagination.  Remember?" I asked, feeling a hint of pride and panic at my words.

"I lied," he hissed, plunging the needle into my neck.  I shoved him away just as my feet began to numb again.

"Please don't do this again Jack," I whimpered as I held onto his coat.  He smiled.

"Tell me where the stone is, and I won't," he whispered back before letting me drop to the floor in agony.  I braced myself for what was to be and slowly let the pain start.

The Stone of Life: Book Four: The MessengerWhere stories live. Discover now