Chapter 2

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Mate of the Siren

Chapter 2

Orana's POV

Dead silence.

That's all I heard as I slowly came too.

My eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the darkness around myself.

Bubbles of air escaped from my mouth as I found out that I was underwater.

But I wasn't having trouble breathing...

I was perfectly fine.

No tingling or burning need pressing on my chest.

Because I already had it.

A huge amount of it.

But how?

I couldn't explore my question though because the woman appeared in front of me.

Her pure white hair swirling around her as she swam in one spot.

Her arms carried an instrument.

A small harp it seemed to be.

Her grey eyes watched me as I watched her.

Then she smiled at me and spoke through her faint red lips.

"It is so great to see you again, Orana.", I gasped as I heard her as clear as I would if I were on land. "I can not seem to wait to start teaching you this coming summer."

My eyes flutter uncontrollably as this new information sinks in.

I can breathe under water, see as clear as if I were on land, hear as great as I do in wolf form.

What's next?

"I am sure you have questions about everything that you are now learning about yourself, would you like for me to answer them?" she asks me with a slight hesitant smile.

I nod my head and look around myself to see bubbles.

Tiny bubbles riseing around me for no reason.

No reason at all that is, until I look down.

From my hips down silver scales were all over my legs.

Which are now formed to make a mermaid tail.

I gasp and bubbles rise from my mouth again.

"As you can see your legs have formed together to make what looks to be a mermaid tail only we are not mermaids. We are what sailors call, Sirens." the woman in front of me tells me, who I now realize has a tail like mine but rather blue instead of silver.

"W-wh-what? No. No! I am a werewolf not a siren. I turn into a wolf, not a fish!" I hate to admit it but, I was truly freaking out by the time I finished that statement.

I think the woman could tell I was too, because she started strumming her fingers over her small harp and singing.

My only guess was that it was to calm me down.

Instead it just got me angry.

I gave her my best glare before shooting upward like a rocket.

It didn't take long before I felt how close I was to the surface by the hairs on my neck.

Once I saw the light of the moon I swam even faster.

I swam to the shimming moonlight just a few yards above my head.

And just as I was about to jump through the surface, someone jumped into the sea.


He had tried to get me away from the sea.

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