If Only They Knew

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She didn't want to take that chance again, to wear her heart on her sleeve and let someone into the walls of solitude she had built around herself, to keep the pain inside and the trust outside.

But something in those warm brown eyes and soft smile of his made her want so desperately to melt with love again and feel wanted by someone.

Deep down, drowning in a sea of loneliness was a little pearl of hope, waiting to be found. But she still couldn't forget the pain that shackled her heart, the tears that marred her face and the rivulets of blood that marked her wrists each night.

The sun melted into the horizon, ushering darkness over the sky. A cold breeze caressed her bare limbs and toyed with her auburn hair.

Then it began, like it always does. A tear silently rolled down her cheek and splashed onto the marble tiles of the tiny balcony. She cried not over her broken heart but over her confused mind.

Should she take the chance again? Her mind seethed in turmoil but finally she decided that she couldn't bear the pain or the confusion anymore. It had been building up all this time and finally she cracked.

She didn't want the gnawing temptation of love to keep biting at the already broken and lost pieces of her heart.

She was tired of carrying around the pain all day. She was tired of hiding behind a masquerade of joy. She was tired of slicing her already wounded wrists because there was no more skin left to cut, only scars. She was tired of feeling worthless. She was tired of being just a sex toy to every boy she ever loved. She was tired of being cheated. She was tired of trying to figure out what she had done so wrong that everyone she trusted abandoned her.

She was tired of being tired.

So she threw herself off the balcony and let the darkness take her soul. Finally she was at peace, her heart no longer hurt with every beat nor was breathing difficult anymore because she no longer had to do any of those things. She was free.

But she didn't know that just a few blocks away, was a boy who used his soft smile and warm, brown eyes to hide the loneliness he felt, and wondered every day if the girl with beautiful auburn hair would know how much he loved her.

Hey guys!
Feeling really lonely right now and Wattpad was my only escape...
Thank God for Wattpad!!!
Anyways, its been quite hectic these past few days and now that everything is calm again I can't help but feel a bit lonely.
Hopefully I'll find something to help distract me soon.
So hope you guys enjoyed and go ahead and vote or comment.
Love ya!

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