chapter 20

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Ana's POV

Me and Janet were laying on the couch cuddled up watching white chicks. Deep down I really wanted to go with them tonight because i had a bad feeling about it. I got up from behind her and went into the kitchen and called Michael he didn't answer so I called Antonio and tiffany neither of them answered either. A million things started running through my head. I went back into the living room and looked at Janet and she instantly knew what I wanted.

Janet: Absolutely not Ana your not going

Ana: J please I just want to see if everything is okay and going as planned.

Janet: No you are not going.

Ana: Look Michael is like a brother to me and I just want to have his back and make sure everything is smooth.

Janet: Okay fine then I'm coming with you.

We ran upstairs and threw on some clothes. I looked at the time and it was 9:30 pm. We got into the car and drove to the warehouse they said they was gonna be at. Janet looked out the window nervously the whole time. I grabbed her hand while driving.

Ana: Everything will be fine baby. Don't worry.

She smiled as we drove until we made it to the warehouse. I turned off my headlights and drove slowly. I seen Michael car and Antonio car so I knew they were here. We got out the car quietly and I motioned Janet to get behind me. We slowly walked up to the door and heard a lot of commotion inside.

Janet: Maybe we should call the police.

Ana: No wait

I opened the door and jumped back when I heard two gunshots. At this point I was scared as hell and so was Janet.

Ana: Stay right here

Janet: where are you going.

Ana: To see if Michael is okay. If you hear anything else call the police.

Janet: Fuck no your not going in there. Please.

She grabbed my arms as she started to cry. I pulled her in as she wrapped her arms around me and I laid her head on my chest and kissed her head.

Ana: I will be okay baby I promise. I love you so much.

Janet: I love you too.

She lifted up and I wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her lips. I slowly opened the door again and walked in. when I got close to the room they was in I seen Rene walked over to Michael with a gun. I looked  down and seen a gun that was laying by the door I quietly picked it up. Rene pointed the gun at Michael and I pulled the trigger hitting Rene in the head. I was in shock as i watched him fall to the ground and i dropped the gun. Michael turned around to see me and got up and ran to me and hugged me.

Mike: I thought I told y'all to stay home.

Ana: I'm glad I didn't.

Antonio grabbed the gun out of Rene lifeless hands and walked over to Chaz. He sounded off to shots in Chaz chest.

Antonio: Son of a bitch.

He looked up at me and then looked around at all the bodies on the ground. I saw Tiffany's body and I covered my mouth.

Ana: O my god Tiffany.

Mike: Yes man Chaz shot her.

He walked over to her and kissed her forehead. I felt bad because I could tell he was falling for her.

Antonio: We have to go like now.

Ana: Yeah cause Janet is outside and I'm pretty sure she called the police.
Janet POV

As soon as I heard that gunshot I dialed 911. I start crying harder praying my brother and the love of my life was okay. Before they picked up Ana and Michael and Antonio came out the door and I quickly hanged up the phone.

Janet: I'm so glad you guys okay.

I looked at Ana and grabbed her face and kissed her lips repeatedly.

Janet: And you miss super woman don't ever do no shit like that again.

Ana: I'm glad I did. This would of ended totally different if we would of never came.

I gave Antonio a hug.

Janet: Uh I almost called the police.

Ana: Scary ass. Let's go.

We all went to our cars and got in and Antonio and Michael followed us back to our house. When we got there they told me all that happened. I teared up hearing that tiffany got killed. I was starting to actually like her and I saw that my brother did to. I walked over to him and gave him a hug as he cried on my shoulders.

Antonio: I'm going to go home to my man. Tonight was a little to much for me.

Ana: What are you gonna tell your family about your cousin.

Antonio: That he owed some gang bangers and they shot him up.

Michael: I'm gonna head out to. Take a long bath and get some rest.

Janet: Okay if you need anything call me okay.

He shook his head as we hugged and him and Antonio both left. I turned and looked at Ana.

Janet: So its over huh.

Ana: Yeah I actually feel bad about the whole Tiffany thing. But I'm glad that I got that son of a bitch Rene.

Janet: Are you okay?

Ana: I'm perfectly fine. Surprisedly I thought I'd be in shock after shooting someone but I'm not. Now let's go take a shower.

I smiled at her as we walked upstairs and started stripping down our clothes. We turned the shower on as I stepped in and so did she. She pinned me to the wall and started kissing my lips. I started to moan as she slid down and put both of my legs over her shoulders and entered her tongue into me. I grabbed her wet hair and pushed her head deeper as I moaned. The way she was diving in I couldn't control myself. I came all in her mouth as she lifted up and kissed my lips. She turned the shower off and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around her waist and went into the bedroom body soaking wet and laid me on the bed.

Janet: We are gonna get this bed wet.

Ana: Ain't nothing new.

I laughed at her as I pulled her down and got on top of her and started kissing her. I leaned over and grabbed a toy out of the drawer.

Janet: We are gonna take a real shower when I'm done with you.

I inserted it into her as she clinched the sheets and started moaning. I started kissing her and going down and kissing her nipples as I was going in and out of her. I felt her body shaking and knew she was about to release.

Ana: OH FUCK! Baby!

She came as she started breathing heavily trying to catch her breath. She pulled me into a kiss and we looked into each others eyes.

Ana: I love you so much Janet Damita Jo Jackson

Janet: I love you too sexy!

( A/N: well hope you guys enjoyed this story its one more chapter left after this one) 😚

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