Chapter 8

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Ana's POV

After Janet told me all that was going on I sat there in complete shock.

Ana: So your saying that girl that was here this morning is your child!

Janet: Yes! I mean I don't know.

I got up and started pacing the floor.

Ana: What do you mean you don't know? How could you keep this from me? Did you know this when Rene came here out of the blue? That's why he was asking all those questions about us he was trying to get his family back. O my god that's why you didn't want him to stay.

Janet: ANA! calm down. Look I know I should of told you and I'm sorry but you have to calm down.

She grabbed my hand and sat me on the couch.

Janet: Look this doesn't change anything between us. This just a minor bump.

Ana: What do you mean? this changes everything.

Janet: No it does not.

She put her hand on my face.

Janet: You are the love of my life. Doesn't matter what happen we will always be together.

She pulled me in and kissed me. She pulled me in close and we laid back on the couch and cuddled.

Janet: Don't think you off the hook for not answering my phone call and being with Tina.

I laughed.

Ana: She says she misses you J. Y'all should talk y'all was very close.

Janet: I'm not the one who ended the friendship she did. So if she wants to talk she can come to me.

Ana: So what are you guys gonna do about Rene and tiffany?

Janet: Mike said he's gonna handle it. So we just gotta wait and see.

Ana: do you think she's yours.

Janet: I'm not sure.

I laid on her chest as we just laid on the couch in silence for a minute. I could tell we both were in deep thought.
Michaels POV

I didn't believe Rene one bit. Yeah the girl have some features but a lot of people have Jackson features but that don't mean they are a Jackson. I had to make sure this young lady wasn't here just for the money so knowing me I wanted to investigate a little more. I called Tiffany and ask for her to come to my house for dinner. I sent a driver to get her and everything. As my cook got dinner ready I heard someone ring the door bell.

Maid: Mr Jackson You have a tiffany here to see you.

Mike: Thank you escort her in

In walked Tiffany.

Tiffany: oh my goodness. I can't believe I'm standing in the Michael Jackson's Infamous home.

I smiled as I walked up to her.

Mike: Thank you for joining me for dinner. Let me give you a tour of the house.

We walked around the house as I showed her the different rooms. She looked like a kid in a candy store as we walked in and out of each room. We headed back towards the kitchen
Where the cook was just about done with dinner.


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ike: Let's go sit in the dining room as we wait for them to bring dinner.

She followed me into the dining room as we sat down. I studied her face. Her features and everything about her she caught me staring and spoke up.

Tiffany: Your home is as beautiful as I imagined it. When I was younger I use to watch videos of you and mo- I mean Janet playing water fights and having fun with kids around the ranch and just wished I I was apart of that.

She looked down and starts to pick her fingers. Something dunk did when she got nervous. But something about this girl wasn't fitting right with me.

Mike: How old are you again?

Tiffany: I'm uh 18

Now that I'm actually looking at her she didn't look 18 at all. But can easily pass for the age.

Mike: Really. The big 1-8 ! So that means you were born in what '86 ?

She paused for a minute then looked at me and smiled and nodded her head yes.

Mike: Wow you know that was the same year control came out.

Tiffany: Yeah I know. Great album.

Mike: Yes indeed.

Just then they brought out our dinner and brought it to the table. We sat and ate our dinner in silence most of the time. When we were done. We chatted at the table for a bit.

Tiffany: You seem like the cool uncle. The one were all the nieces and nephews knew when they came to uncle mikes house it was gonna be an adventure. I bet your children love staying here. By the way where are they?

Mike: They're at mothers house for the night. Their cousins are there to so I let them stay the night.

Tiffany than looked down at her watch and back at me.

Tiffany: Well I should be going its getting kind of late.

Mike: Of course I'll let the driver know your ready.

As we got up from the table and she walked pass me to the door I couldn't help but notice the chewed up piece of gum on a napkin by her plate. Before they came to clean the dining table i whispered in one of the maids ear to not throw the napkin with the gum away and to put it in a ziploc bag or something. She shook her head okay as I walked to the door to say my goodbyes to tiffany.

Mike: Once again thank you for joining me . I look forward into meeting with you again.

Tiffany : You too uncle mike

She giggled as I faked smiled. No she didn't just called me uncle mike. She getting to comfortable. I opened the door as the driver escorted her to the car and they got in and drove off. I went back into the kitchen.

Mike: Did you get it?

Maid: yes sir its right here.

Holding up a mini plastic bag with the chewed up gum in it. I pulled out my phone and texted Janet.

To: Dunk

I have Tiffany's DNA!

I got to the hotel mike put me in and took a shower and got into bed. It felt good knowing soon I'll be a millionaire. I grabbed my phone and called tiffany.

Tiffany: Hello

Rene: Hey babe wassup.

Tiffany: Uh nothing just getting into the house.

Rene: From where its kind of late.

Tiffany: Um Michael invited me to his house for dinner.

I sat up in the bed.

Rene: WHAT! you went? Are you fucking stupid.

Tiffany: Yes if I didn't it would of been suspicious. Calm down it was cool.

Rene: Did he ask you anything. Like what the fuck happen.

Tiffany: No he didn't asked me any thing baby but my age and that was it. We actually had a great dinner. It wasn't so bad.

Rene: You better hope this shit doesn't back fire bitch. If you mess up my money I'll kill you.

Tiffany: Your tripping Rene. Goodnight

She hung up on me and I threw the phone on the nightstand. That stupid bitch. I guarantee I will fucking kill her if this plan doesn't fall through because she was being stupid!

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