chapter 17

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Antonio POV

Antonio: So wassup what's the job.

Chaz: Rene tell him.

Rene: Okay its a kidnapping I'm talking big bucks!

Chaz: Big Bucks!

I looked at Chaz and this Rene dude. I don't think he remember me being at the house that night.

Antonio: Who we taking?

Rene: This bitch name Tiffany and this bitch name Ana. Ana is the entertainer Janet Jacksons girlfriend and Janet would do anything to get her back. Tiffany is my ex bitch that I want dead.

I looked at him like he was crazy. The fact he didn't know me and Ana and Janet are friends made me laugh inside but I played along.

Antonio: Alright we gonna come up with a plan then we gonna meet back up tomorrow to execute it.

Chaz: Cool.

Rene: thanks man

They got up and walked out. I pulled out my phone and called Ana but she didn't pick up.
Janet POV

I was sitting talking to Shawn well Shawn was talking to me but I wasn't paying attention I was to busy looking across the room at Ana and Tina talking. I don't know if I liked them talking considering the fact Tina was the first girl Ana made love to. I think Shawn noticed I wasn't paying attention cause I heard her call my name.

Shawn: J wassup with you.

Janet: Nothing

Not taking my eyes off of Ana and Tina. She looked at what I was staring at then looked at me.

Shawn: I don't think you have to worry about anything. Tina don't get down like that.

Janet: Shows how much you know.

Shawn: What you mean.

I turned and looked at her.

Janet: Tina and Shawn fucked back during the tvr tour. They were each others first. As in having sex with a girl first.

Shawn eyes got widen and her mouth dropped.

Shawn: No fucking way. How did we not know.

Janet: They did a good job at hiding it.

Shawn: I know Ana she crazy about you she won't do anything stupid. Tina on the other hand you have to watch.

Janet: Why you think I haven't took my eye off of them.

At this point I was drunk as hell. Me and Tina was talking about old memories on the Janet tour and the velvet rope tour. It was actually really good to talk to her again. We were so close back then.

Tina: We should do this more often.

Ana: Yeah we should. Maybe after you and Jan sort you guys problem out we can all go out and hang out again.

Tina: Yeah. Its still crazy how you and Janet are together. I never seen that coming.

Ana: I don't think me or her did either.

I looked over at Janet and her eyes were glued on us. I smiled but she didn't smile back and I knew I had to go see what was wrong.

Ana: I'll be back. I have Janet staring me down like a hawk.

I walked over towards her. I felt so drunk.

Ana: You okay. You having fun.

Janet: No but you seem to with all that kekeing you doing over there.

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