chapter 18

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(I'm giving y'all a lot of updates because its getting hard for me to do two stories at the same time 😂 so since I'm further in this story imma try to finish it)

Janet POV

After Antonio left and he told us he would calls us with a plan once he meet up with Chaz and Rene again. At this point I felt confident that we was gonna get Rene and I was ready to go back home.

Janet: Okay well now that I feel okay that this situation is about to be over me and my baby going home.

Mike: its up to you. I don't mind you guys being here.

Ana: Thanks mike but I miss my bed. Not saying your bed here ain't comfortable its just nothing like being in your own bed you use to.

Mike laughed.

Mike: I understand.

Janet: Tiffany you welcome to come stay with us until this blows over.

Ana shot me a look but I ignored her.

Tiffany: No I think I'm fine right here.

She looked at Michael and he smiled.

Ana: How you just gonna invite yourself to stay at someone house.

Mike: Ana its okay I want her to stay.

Me and Ana looked at each other as if we both was thinking the same thing.

Janet: Wait a minute what's going on here?

Mike: What do you mean.

Ana: Both of y'all body languages tell it all.

Tiffany: Huh?

Janet: Mike can I talk to you in the other room.

He got up and I followed behind him. As soon as we got into the other room I smacked his arm.

Mike: Ouch! What was that for.

Janet: Are you fucking her?

Mike: What no?

Janet: Michael Joseph Jackson I've lived with you my entire life I know when your lying. Are you crazy?

Mike: Okay. We were drunk last night and we were talking I mean you and Ana had y'all friends over and was in y'all own world and we connected some how. One thing led to another and well you know.

Janet: Yeah spare the details. I can't believe you. Look I just hope you are careful.

Mike: I know dunk. I will be. Promise.

I hugged him and we went back into the living room.

Janet: Come on Ana let's get our stuff so we can head home.

She got up and we went to get our things and came back downstairs and said our goodbyes as me and Ana went home. Walking into the door of our home was so good.

Ana: Home sweet home.

Janet: Yes but I have to do some calls with my manager and team and things making sure everything is lined up for next week.

Ana: Well I'm about to go upstairs and take a nap.

She went off and I went ahead to making my phone calls which lasted 2 hours. I was exhausted and went upstairs to see a sleeping Ana curled up in the bed. She must of really missed our bed. I got in and snuggled up with her and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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