Chapter Five

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I walked patiently to the bathroom, my heart pounding in my rib cage.  I tried to make it look normal and natural, but I was sure there was a quickness in my steps.

Reaching the bathroom, I noticed that it's decorations were the same as the bigger room.  Sighing, I hid in an open stall waiting for two other, chatting girls to leave.

After they washed their hands, they leaned against the counter and talked, wasting my valuable time.  Besides, why would you talk in a bathroom?

"Oh my gosh, yes," one girl said, drawing out her yes.  "She looks totally skanky today.  Have you seen that dress?"

"Girl," the other one said.  "You know I have."  I rolled my eyes, feeling my time tick away as they finally finished and left the bathroom.

I breathed deeply and walked out of my stall, checking each to make sure I was alone.  When I was, I hoisted myself up onto the only window.  It had a ledge small enough for me to sit on, so I could open it and be freed.  No luck.  The window had no locks, handles or anything else.

"Fuck," I whispered, wracking my brain for something to do.  I surveryed the room, trying to find anything that could break the window.  With no luck, I dropped mself down, stepping on my heels the wrong way and hurting my ankle.  As it throbbed in pain, I took off my heel and banged the window with it, praying nobody would hear.  The glass broke all over me, getting in my hair and dress.  I hoisted myself back onto the ledge, getting cuts on my hands and shoulders from the glass.

I squeezed through the window, looking around for anyone who might see me.  Feeling an adrenaline rush, I ran.  Realizing only too late that I still had one heel on, and my other foot was throbbing harder.  Yet, I sprinted as fast as I could go.

"Hey!" I heard someone yell, filling my thoughts with hope.  I stopped and turned, hoping to get a ride home, only to see three huge men coming at me fast.  

I screamed and sprinted again, all hope lost.  I scanned the street and found no phone booths, but there were houses.  I turned toward the nearest house with kitchen lights, hoping they could save me.  The three goons were gaining on me though, lessening the space between us rapidly as I got closer and closer to the house.

"Help!" I screeched, flailing my arms around.  However, as this happened, I tripped, skidding on the pavement.  My skin burned as tiny rocks jutted into my cuts and scrapes.

The three men got a hold of me, holding onto my face and hiding behind bushes.

"Hello?" A woman asked from behind us, the house where I was headed.  "Hello?"

She stood out there for a few minutes, frantically searching for the poor soul who cried out for help.  I tried to scream, but one of the men had stuffed their fists in my mouth, preventing any sound coming out.  I also couldn't breathe.

When the woman finally went into her house, the man who was holding his fist in my mouth covered my face with his giant, meaty hands.

"Goodnight," he chuckled, as the other two restrained me.  I couldn't struggle and I couldn't breathe.  I only saw blackness before I lost consciousness.

I woke up in a dark, musty room.  It's walls were bare, and only a desk sat in the room across from me.  I was bounded to a rolling chair, ducktape covering my mouth.  I screamed, making only muffled noises.  I couldn't see anything.

My eyes could only adjust to the desk because of it's light color, while everything else was made of some dark material.  I spotted a window just next to the desk and began rocking toward it, using my whole body to propel me forward.

"No you don't, missy." A voice from behind me sang, roughly and harshly.  I turned around, not seeing anyone.

"Who's there?" I asked, feeling like the idiot girl in the scary movies.

"Just us," another voice said in a mocking tone.  The other laughed.  I realized that these two had to be the ones who chased me away from the party.  I escaped a kidnapper just to be kidnapped again.

I rolled my eyes and leaned my head back against the uncomfortable seat.  I sighed.  How would I ever get out of this again?

Avoiding the gaze of my new captors, I squeezed my eyes shut, thinking.  After no luck, my nose began to itch, forcing me to wrinkle my nose in displeasure.

"Excuse me," I said, scrunching my face as the displeasure grew rapidly.  I heard the captors shuffle their feet, listening to me.  "Could one of you scratch my nose please?"

There was a heavy silence, awkward and tense as though both captors had no clue what to do.  One of them coughed, causing my irritation to grow as I groaned.

"Come on!" I yelled, opening my eyes, staring at their shapeless forms in the darkness.  One of them gingerly stepped toward me, as though he was scared.  Have they ever touched girls in a non-harmful way?

"Where?" He grunted, right in front of me.

"The right side of my nose, just above my nostril," I explained, feeling as though my itching was more torturous than my kidnapping.  The man reached out to my face, keeping as much distance between us as he could.  He itched my nose, making me sigh with a relief that obviously made him embarrassed.  He cleared his throat, making his way back to the corner he rested in.

Suddenly, it hit me.

"Who do you to work for?" I asked, breathing heavily.  Silence.

"Come one, guys.  I know you have to work for someone!  If you didn't, you wouldn't be watching over me like babysitters," I said, growing frustrated, adding the clues together.

"We are not babysitters," one of them grunted.

"Are too.  You are sitting in here, watching me, right?  Making sure that I don't get into trouble?" I reasoned, my voice raising an octave.  "How much is he paying you?" 

"Who?" One asked, hesitating at first.

"Broderick," I hissed, glaring at their massive forms.

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