Chapter Four

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After I ate my pathetic breakfast, Broderick let me go in my room to rest my voice. Irritated, I plopped down onto my bed. Surveying the room, I realized that there really was no way out. A small window allowed a small amount of light into the room, making it seem like dusk was already here, teasing me.

I laid back on my bed, hitting the crown of my head on the wall, crying out as I did so. The tears came, first from the pain, but then continued into a fearful sobbing. Nobody would know I was missing. Not for at least two days. If I could survive, for just two days, then my absence would be noticed and I could get out alive.

I thought about the Mulberry; I would give anything to go back there.  To sing in front of an audience that treats me with respect--if I ever decided to sing again. They'll all be worried about me, the best act at the Mulberry.  I wouldn't want to see Brad's worried face when I didn't show up to work.

I got up, and paced the room, thinking of an escape plan.  After what seemed like an hour, I gave up, my brain blank, and fell asleep.

I woke up with a start, looking around, not focusing on where I was.  After I realized I was, in fact, still kidnapped.  I groaned.  Just then I heard the door open, the bald guy entering the vicinity with a huge smirk on his face. He had a towel with him as though hoping to watch me bathe.

"Excuse me, I have a request from boss, he wants you to bathe, for tonight," he said, almost giggling like a little girl.

For tonight? I started to get worried, but didnt say anything. He beckoned for me to follow him, and we went through the same corridor as last time, however this time we went through a door on the left. It was small and filled with white tile.   Only a bath and a toilet sat in this cold, white room.  The bald man dropped the towel onto the side and sheepishly walked out.

The bath was full already, so I dipped my hand in the water to test it.  Perfect temperature. I stripped down and hopped into the bath, savoring the only delicacy I could have for the day.  I must have been dozing off, because when the man pounded on the door, I jumped quickly, water flying everywhere.

"Here" he growled, opening the door a crack so he could throw a dress over the toiletseat.  "And hurry up!  You don't want to be late."

I quickly washed my hair, my scalp hurting from my nails.  Leaving my relaxing bath, I dried myself and curled the towel around my sopping wet hair. I found the dress he threw into the bathroom, a beautiful red dress, with frills at the top and a slit that went to just below the hip.

I slipped it on, and walked out, seeing the bald man wait beside the door.  He raised his eyebrows and escorted me to the gym, where I saw Broderick in his usual black suede jacket.  

"We are going to one of my famous balls tonight," stated Broderick, clapping his hands joyously.  "Oh and don't worry about being seen, I sent a text to your friends and family saying you caught the flu! So, while we get ready, you blowdry your hair and make yourself up."

"Woah! What?" I protested, my heart sinking.  If everyone believed me sick, then maybe nobody would be looking for me after my absense on Friday.  Did Broderick know I worked Friday?  Would he text Todd and tell him that I was sick?

"Oh shush darling," he consoled, bringing me to the beauty products where he patiently waited.  When I was done, he grabbed my hand and whisked me outside, where a black car was waiting.

I looked back at the building, noticing that it was an old, out of business show theater.  Empty and forgotten.  Nobody would have expected me to be there.  Placing the building in my memory, I scanned the streets, hoping to find something familiar so I would know where I was.

Nothing looked familiar.

Broderick turned to me and flashed me that gleaming smile of his, holding my hand and nuzzling my neck.

"You are my beautiful slave," he whispered.  "Our love could be in a movie, or it could be written about in a book."  He kissed my neck, sending uncomfortable chills down my back.

I began to think of ways I could escape.  He didn't have a gun, so why couldn't I just walk away, finding someone and telling them about him?  Nobody would believe me, seeing my beautiful, expensive dress.

I could find a woman in the bathroom with a cell phone and I could call Brad, but I didn't know his number by heart.  Then I decided that I could just sneak out the window and run off, finding a phone booth so I could look up Brad in the phone book and call him.

But when would I do it?  My plan had to work perfectly, be timed perfectly.  Without the perfect timing, I could get into a load of trouble.  This would be my only chance.

"Look, Sarah." Broderick said, pointing out the window.  "We're here."

I looked up to see a huge, old-fashioned building with many windows.  People were entering the building in packs, all wearing expensive clothing.

He helped me out of the vehicle and put his arm in mine, forcing me up the stairs to the building.  As we walked in, I scanned the room to see it filled with people.  There were huge, red carpets covering the floor and one single, golden chandelier above everyone.  There was a small stage with a band setting up their equipment on one side of the room and a huge table filled with food on the other.

"Broderick!  Darling!" A cry to our right sounded.  There, an old woman was hugging her glittery, pink shawl and waving us over.

"Anita!  How nice it is to see you!  Are you enjoying the party?" He asked, giving her a hug as she pecked him on the cheek.

"Oh, it's just marvelous!" She laughed, showing off her perfectly false teeth.  "Who is your friend?"

"This is my love, Sarah," he said, pulling me forward with the tight grip he held on my arm.  He held his arm at a natural angle as he held me tight, forcing me to stay put while it looked like he was nicely guiding me everywhere.

"Oh really?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him.  "What about your last love?  What happened to her?"  He smirked, glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. 

"I got bored of her, so she's gone now," he said, making her laugh.

"You are such a card."

"Sarah, honey.  You are going to be the entertainment tonight.  Go to the stage and choose a song with the performers," he said, pusing me toward them.

I walked to the band members, who were arguing bitterly until they saw me.

"Who the hell are you?" The bass player asked.

"I'm with Broderick," I informed him.

"Great," he said, sarcastically.

"He kidnapped me, you know," I said, casually.

"I'm sure he did.  Perfect lovebirds," he spat.

Irritated, I chose the song and got up to the mic.  Once the guitar started playing, I started singing, closing my eyes and imagining I was at Mulberry's again.  The only problem was this crowd was ignoring me.  I scanned the crowd, finding Broderick on the other side of the room, smiling evilly at me.  My stomach dropped, making me stutter and mess up slightly in my song.  Hoping nobody heard me, I continued on.  

After the end, I gasped and ran to Broderick, deciding to make my move.

"Hello, honey," he said to me, pulling a hand around my waist, tightly.

"Oh, Sarah," the old woman began.  "You must be so in love with Broderick.  Once you saw him, you blushed and messed up! Love does that.  I smiled a toothless smile, turning toward the guy next to me.

"Sarah Goldan!  Big fan!" The guy said, laughing childishly.

"Thank you," I said, realizing that now was my chance to really start with my plan.  "I would love to talk, but I have to use the restroom."  I turned to Broderick, knowing all eyes were on us.  "Darling, could I use the bathroom?" I asked sweetly.  Broderick frowned, as though thinking hard about the decision.

He must have realized that it would be odd of him to not allow me to use the bathroom, because he said I could.  I grinned at everyone and left their group.

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