Chapter Two

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Broderick offered me a ride home during dinner, but I said no, that my apartment was walking distance.  I didn’t trust him enough to let him know where I lived, still haunted by the thought of his anger.  I waved him off, watching as he turned the corner, making sure he was out of sight before I started home.

I pulled my sweater closer around my body, reminding to wear some warm, comfortable clothes tomorrow.  The streets were almost empty, only a car passing by every five minutes.  Checking my phone, I realized it was ten to eleven.  Cursing myself, I regretted my dinner date, wishing I did my essay instead, like a good girl.

Just a block from my apartment, I took a short cut through a clear alley, with only a trashcan.  There was a street lamp at the very end, illuminating that side of the alley, so once I got there, I would be in plain view of the other, busier street and safe to walk home. 

I glanced around me, making sure nobody was following me, and walked fast, with my head held high, like I read in a Psychology magazine.  Serial killers looked for victims who were weak and undetermined, but shied away from people who walked with a purpose.  However, I was so busy thinking of my walk, that before I got to the light, a pair of huge, thick arms smelling of suede, wrapped around my neck, covering my mouth.  I choked, yelling as loud as I could, but only hearing muffled cries.  The arms tightened, squeezing my neck against a strong chest, as I pulled on them, tugging with all the strength I could muster.  

The arms continued to tighten though, and my eyes streamed with tears as I fought for breath, getting nothing.  I felt like a fish without water, scared and thinking I’m going to die.

This was it.  My death.  The end of Sarah Goldan and her hopeful career.  The end of her education that hardly begun because she didn’t write her stupid essay.  And as I thought, bitterly, about that damn essay, I was plunged into total darkness.

When I woke up, I sat up quickly, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.  It was just a nightmare.  I tried to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but they couldn’t.  I couldn’t see anything.  Irritated, I swung my legs out of bed, using my feet to search the floor for my slippers.  With no luck, I sighed and got out of bed, stretching.  My room felt differently to me, as though it was more enclosed than I was used to, but I shoved the thought away.  It was only because I couldn’t see a thing.

I used my hands to guide myself to the light switch, letting them glide over the smooth, cold surface of the wall.  Weird, the walls to my room were wooden.  However, I didn’t worry about that, just trying to find the light switch.  When my hands found the corner to the next wall, I felt my blood rush to my head with adrenaline as I placed my hand where the switch should have been.  Shocked, I continued to move my hand against the wall in search for my door, which also wasn’t where it was supposed to be.  Nervous, I felt the wall more quickly, trying to find any switch or door, hoping to prove that this was my room and that was a dream.

When I finally found the switch, I flicked it on and screamed.  The room was completely bare.  The walls were black, smooth and made of some metal material.  The bed I slept in was covered in thick comforters that warmed me up.  There was nothing else in the room except for a wooden rocking chair that sat in the corner next to me.  I turned and behind me, next to the switch, was a heavy, metal door.  I froze in fear when I saw the door handle jiggle.  Backing away slowly, I heard a faint click as the lock was unlocked, allowing the kidnapper inside.

Scared, I ran to the bed, planning on hiding under the covers when I tripped over my heels, falling to the ground with a hard thud.  Unfortunately, this happened right when the door opened, where a man in all black was standing over me.

“That was quite a fall,” he said, roughly, shutting the door behind him.  There was something familiar about his voice, however, it made me more frightened than before.

“Get away!” I cried, stumbling backwards toward the wall.  “Leave me alone!”

“I’m not going to hurt you, Sarah,” the kidnapper said, opening his arms to me, as though saying he was friendly.

“No,” I mumbled, shutting my eyes tightly.  “No, no, no, no, no,” I repeated over and over again, mumbling to myself.  Each no getting softer than before.

“Count to ten, Sarah.  Count to ten, then everything will be alright.”  The voice, now softer, said.  


“Good, Sarah,”  The voice said, now closer.

“Two.”  I heard slow, soft steps come my way.  I sucked in air as I focused on the counting.

“Three.”  I heard the sound of my heels being tossed toward a wall.

“Four,” I almost whispered.  More steps.  Closer.

“Five,” I squeaked, barely able to hold in my fear.

“Now Sarah, be calm.”  The sound of something unzipping was heard to my right.  I took in another deep breath.

“Six,” I said, stronger than before.

“That’s it,” he whispered.  He threw something onto the bed, making it squeak slightly.  It sounded like a heavy raincoat.

“Seven.” He was in front of me, I could feel it.

“Eight,” I whispered now, knowing he could still hear me.

“Nine,” I said, hesitating.  He put a hand in my hair, smelling my Tresemme Shampoo.

“Come on, Sarah,” He whispered in my ear, letting his lips kiss my lobe.  I let out a sob, fearing for my life.

“Ten.”  I waited just one more second before opening my eyes, looking at the ground, and not at my kidnapper.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” He asked, cupping my chin with his hand.  I shook my head, making him let go of my face.  “Look me in the eyes.”  He said, sternly.  I shook my head again.  “Sarah!”  He yelled.  “Look me in the eyes!”  Then a thought came across my mind, if he was yelling, I could too.  Someone would hear and come save me.

“No!”  I screamed, as loud as I could.  “I need to get away!  You kidnapped me!”  I screamed, as loudly as you could.  The man chuckled, making my eyes widen.  I knew that chuckle.

My face snapped up, to see the mans face.  Broderick’s face.  My jaw dropped, my legs turned to jelly.

“You can yell all you want, Sarah, but nobody will come for you.”  He laughed softly as he kissed my neck.

“Broderick,” I said, gasping from the yelling.

“Yes?” He smiled at me, showing his perfect, white teeth.  “Awh, come on Sarah.  Think of this as a game.  You are my sex slave-” He started, slowly moving his hand up my dress.  “And you will like it.”  I sobbed, shaking my head.  He let go of me, stepping back.

“No.  Please, Broderick.  Let me go.  Nobody has to know.  I won’t tell anyone.  Ever,” I promised, begging to him.  He wiped my cheek with his thumb, licking it, tasting my salty tears.

“I’ll be back with breakfast and clothes.”  He said, walking back to the door.  “Oh, and Sarah?”  He said, turning to look back at me.  “Don’t try to escape, it really is useless.”

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