Chapter Fourteen: Far from Home

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Ivan's POV:

       It's been three months and I'm back home for a bit, the cops couldn't find Ash, and they had no leads so they stopped looking for her. Her face was up on flyers all over town, on newspapers, and on TV screens but it seemed like no matter how hard we tried to look for her our chances on getting her back were getting lower and lower.

      I'm sitting up in my room where I've been spending most of my time just drinking, I stopped eating which has my mom worried but I really don't give a fuck anymore. I take gulp of the bottle of Jack I have by my bed and put it on my night stand when suddenly there's a knock on my door. "Please just leave me the fuck alone!" I hear the door open and look up from the blanket I had over my face to see Zoltan standing in front of me "what are you doing here?" Zoltan shakes his head, and turns the light on in my room, and opens the curtains causing me to quickly shield my face from the bright ass light that's now coming into my room. "Your mom called us and told us that you've been locked up in your room just drinking and destroying yourself so me and the guys came to take you." I shake my head and uncover my face "Zoltan I'm not going anywhere, Ash is gone, and it was all my fault! If I didn't try and make up with Amber Ash would still be here with me instead of god knows where probably getting hurt by her mom. Now just leave me here alone in my room to fucking die."

       I cover my face back up with the blanket, and then before I can get relaxed again I feel the blanket get torn away from me, and tossed to the side. Zoltan pauses and looks at me in shock before shaking his head and sighing ""dude you need to stop this shit! Do you think Ashley would want you to be treating yourself like this!? What if one day she does end up coming back to you? From what I've seen of what type of girl Ash is, she's like you Ivan, she's a fucking fighter. It might not happen now or anytime soon but knowing her she's probably fighting to one day make her way back to you. So you know what!? You are gonna get up, go into your bathroom, shower and change into some new clothes, and come down stairs so we can get on a plane back to Vegas. Oh, and don't worry about a bag, your mom packed you two bags that are downstairs waiting for you. Now hurry the fuck up before I send Chris up here to force your ass up!"

      Zoltan leaves and slams the door and I quickly get up trying not to fall over with the amount of alcohol I've had today. I go to my bathroom, and undress myself and when I see myself in the mirror god I look fucking horrible, I shake my head and jump in the shower. After I've cleaned myself I get out and get dressed, and smelling nice before putting a hoodie on and making my way downstairs to find all the guys sitting in the living room. Zoltan spots me and smiles "good, we put your bags in our rental, and your mom is back at work so let's go." I nod and slip on my shoes and follow them outside and to the rental car they had parked in front of my house, once everyone is in the car we take off to the airport and the whole way over there each of the guys try talking to me but I don't really talk much and I think they understand because they leave me alone the rest of the way to the airport.


        When we got to Vegas the guys took me to eat at Zoltan's because Heather and the girls wanted to cook for me. After we ate we hung out outside just relaxing and then later Zoltan took us to a really good Ultimate Fighting Championship fight. Once it was over Zoltan said I'm gonna stay with him and Heather while I'm here since him and I are closer compared to the others and he wanted me to be comfortable. So I go home with him, and once we get back to his house he shows me to their guest room, Heather tells me where everything is, and I smile and give her and Zoltan a hug and thank them for letting me come over and stay with them. They give me hugs back and tell me it's no problem, and when they leave I just take off my shoes and go to bed praying once again like I do every night that Ashley is safe and OK.

AN: Sorry that this is short I just thought I'd put this up until I can figure out what to do because I'm thinking about ending this here and starting the squeal or just continuing this book and finding some other way to start Volume 2. If you have any advice for me with this story or any comments or concerns don't be afraid to comment or message me. I'm always open to stuff

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