Chapter Eleven: Burn it Down

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Ashley's POV:

        I wake up to a pounding feeling in my head that really hurts, I turn around remembering that my dad was with me when I fell asleep again last night but when I turn around he isn't there. I sit up, and look at the small digital clock by my bed to see that it's way past noon. I guess dad, and grandma let me sleep in after what happened last night.

     I slip on my slippers and a jacket before opening my door to go look for my dad or anyone that might be here. I rub my eyes and yawn as I make my way down the stairs "daddy? Are you home?" I walk towards the living room and before I can get there I hear Jason yell "dude no!"

"Ash run back to your room we'll grab you when it's safe!" Jeremy yells making me freeze before running the best I could with how sick I was feeling back up the stairs, and into my dad's room this time. I close and lock his door before running and jumping onto his bed and hugging his pillow terrified of what's going on down stairs.

     After a while of me hugging his pillow I hear  "Ash? Sweetie it's safe for you to come out now" I unlock and open the door before slowly peaking out "daddy?" He spots me and smiles really big, I run towards him and hug him tight, he picks me up. "I'm really sorry about that sweetie, I had called your mom over so I could tell her everything was off, and she kind of freaked out right when you came down the stairs. She had started talking bad about you and I, and  she wanted to hurt you so Jason had to hold me back from wanting to hurt her while Jeremy grabbed her, and carried her outside. She's gone now, and you don't ever have to worry about her hurting you again ok?"

      "Thanks dad, you didn't have to do that for me-" he interrupts me "hey it's no problem, I don't like seeing you upset and so stressed out, it's not good for a little girl your age. You're my little girl, and I had a feeling that nightmare you had last night that gave you that panic attack was about her so I thought I should get rid of her since she's hurting you and scaring you so much." I look up at my dad and kiss his cheek before hugging him tight "thank you daddy, I know you still love her so I appreciate you doing that for me." He kisses the top of my head before wrapping his arms around me "I'd do anything for you baby girl, you're my life's blood. Always remember that ok?" I nod and give him a smile "OK, well we should go downstairs and feed you now because you're probably starving, and the guys want to see you Jason and Jeremy were worrying about you this morning when you didn't wake up at your usual time." I smile "yeah I am hungry and awww ok, lets go!" I point towards the kitchen and he laughs and picks me up and runs with me making me giggle all the way to the kitchen. 

      When we get to the kitchen he puts me down on the counter and Jason and Jeremy both come in smiling "hey you! How are you feeling?" Jeremy asks I smile and hug him and Jason "I'm ok, I kind of have a headache right now but I think it's just because I need to eat, dad where's grandma?" I ask because I just noticed she is nowhere to be found "she said about picking stuff up that you needed or something like that?" I smile knowing exactly where she went "ah ok, I know where she went then" I smirk "where'd she go?" I wonder if I should tell him or not when he looks at me and smiles "where'd she go?" I smile bigger and shrug my shoulders causing Jason and Jeremy to laugh "if you don't tell me I'm gonna tickle you!" He puts his hands up ready to attack me "stop, stop, stop! She probably went to go get your Christmas gift, we got it specially made, and I guess she got the call that it was ready to get picked up." He stands up normally again, smiles, and is about to say something but I quickly put a hand up "don't ask what it is, it's a really really good present idea and I don't want to ruin it. I wanna see your face tomorrow when you open it, and grandma made me promise not to tell you because she payed for it to be made." He nods "ok you win this time" I laugh "I always win, especially when I do the puppy dog face." We all laugh as he starts cooking "your right, I have no clue where you got that face because I don't even have that kind of power."

       Dad eventually hands me a plate with some food and a cup of Orange Juice "hey when you finish do you want to come with us back to the mall the others need to get some gifts, and we need decent shirts to wear for Christmas dinner tomorrow." I smile and nod "sure I'll go for the trip, I already got everyone's gifts wrapped up and under the tree, and aunty Holly and grandma got me two dresses so I already have something to wear for dinner tomorrow too." He smiles "that's nice of them I'll have to tell her thanks tomorrow when she comes for dinner."


       We just got home from the mall, and it was really nice seeing the rest of the guys. I'm helping carry my dad's new nice shirt inside when I see grandma "hey sweetie how are you feeling today?" I smile, and put dads shirt down on a sofa "I'm way better, I had a headache when  I woke up but other than that I'm fine." She gives me a hug and whispers to me that she got the gift, and the other half of the gift is in my room, I smile and nod "so how was it at the mall you guys?" Dad, Jeremy and Jason sit down and huff out "was horrible so many damn last minute shoppers." I nod and sit on my dad making him laugh a little, he starts messing with me and tickling me making us all laugh "dad....please... stop... I can't...breathe!" Dad laughs and then grandma comes back into the living room "hey don't kill my granddaughter, I need my little helper to help me with dinner, and help prep for tomorrow's dinner." Dad stops and I lay on him like a starfish trying to catch my breath "oh no I turned her into a starfish" he starts poking me and I laugh and start yelling as I quickly run away afraid that he's gonna tickle me again.

       After we all ate dinner dad sends me upstairs to go bathe and get into my pajamas, Dexter follows me like usual. I bathe, throw on some pajamas, and wash up before I start brushing and braiding my hair. As I'm finishing braiding my hair there's a knock on my door "come in!" The door opens and in comes my dad "are you gonna go to bed already?" I nod "I'm still really sleepy, grandma said it's usual after what happened last night." He nods and once I'm laying down he tucks me in "wait dad!" He stops "what's wrong?" I sit back up "can you sleep with me tonight? I'm afraid I might have another nightmare" he smiles "of course, I'll be back ok? I'm just gonna go change and then I'll be right back to sleep with you." I nod and he leaves so while he waits I start petting Dexter and messing around with him, when dad comes back in basketball shorts he turns the light off and closes the door before coming and laying in bed with me. Once he's comfortable in bed, I turn my lamp off and hug him "thanks daddy, I love you." He kiss my head and wraps his arms around me "It's no problem sweetie, and I love you too, goodnight." I tell him goodnight and before I know it I'm knocked out hugging my dad with my head on his chest.

AN: Sorry if this sucks I kind of didnt know what to write but I promise I'll try to make the Christmas chapter better than what this chapter was.

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