Chapter Nine: War is the Answer Pt.1

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AN: First off the picture above is what Ash wore when she goes out, and in Pt.2 of this chapter I'm gonna put a picture of her mom. Lastly I apologize for this chapter being long I kind of just started writing it and I didn't notice how long it was until I had stopped lol but hey I guess if you like the story it's good lol idk anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Ashley's POV:

I feel Dexter licking my face causing me to laugh a little and turn around the other way "Dex stop" I hear laughing and I rub my eyes and turn around to see Jeremy holding Dexter and biting his lip to hold in his laughter. "Good morning" he puts Dexter down and runs downstairs with Dexter following behind him making me laugh and shake my head as I sit up in bed. I put on my slippers and make my way downstairs to find Jason, and everyone laughing. "What's so funny?" I look at Jeremy with my eyebrow raised and he shakes his head and gets really serious "nothing at all." Dad laughs and god he sounds pretty bad "dad your voice ended up messing up after all?" He nods "I probably shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me but I'll be OK, don't worry" I smile and nod as I go and sit by him like I usually do every morning.

After we eat breakfast Jason tells me to go get dressed because him and Jeremy were gonna take me out for a while so I wouldn't have to be here when my mom comes. So I run up stairs with Dexter, and start looking for some clothes to wear in this weather. I pull out a sweater, some jeans, I throw them on, and undo my braid so I can brush my hair and throw a beanie on to keep my head warm. I wash up, and throw on some vans, and my black leather jacket, I put on some perfume, and earrings before walking back downstairs and seeing Jason and Jeremy waiting for me in the living room. "You ready?" Jason asks as he pulls keys out of his jacket pocket, I nod and my dad comes walking up to me "here's some money if you guys go looking around at shops or whatever, and for food." I nod and hug him giving him a kiss on his cheek "thanks dad, please be careful OK?" He nods and hugs me "don't worry sweetie everything's gonna be OK, I'll text or call Jason when you guys can come back OK?" I nod and he kisses the top of my head before letting go "now go have some fun with these goofs and be careful in the snow." I laugh and then follow the guys out of the house and to dad's car that was parked in the garage, and after a while of letting the car warm up we take off to god knows where.

Ivan's POV:

Ash just left with Jason and Jeremy, they were planning to take her to some shops and have her walk around and if I needed them to be out longer they were gonna go watch a movie as well. I hope she has fun today with them after everything that happened yesterday, I sigh as I'm making myself some hot tea to help my throat when my mom walks in. "Sweetie don't stress out about this, whatever happens it's gonna be OK" I shake my head "you don't know her mom, I loved her so much, and all she would do was hurt me." I croak out and rub my face before grabbing my cup and sitting in the living room "do you want me to leave you guys alone when she gets here? I need to go to the grocery store anyways for Christmas dinner and I need to get a few more gifts that I couldn't get when Ash was here."

"Whatever you want to do mom, I don't mind" she smiles and puts her hand on my shoulder "I'll go, you guys should be alone when you talk." I give her a smile and she nods before heading upstairs to go get dressed for going out in this weather.

I go to the kitchen to pour myself another cup of tea "I'm gonna head out sweetie, if you need me call me OK?" I peak out of the kitchen and give her a thumbs up, and I'm about to grab my cup when I hear someone talking to my mom so I jog up to the door, and see that Amber is here. She spots me and smiles, my mom shakes her head and just leaves towards her car. "Hey" She looks down blushing and god I want to punch myself so hard in the fucking face right now because those same old feelings I had for her are wanting to come back right now as I look at how beautiful she still is. I sigh and shake my head before moving over "hi, ummm...come in" she looks up and nods before walking in, I close the door and lock it before having her follow me to the living room. "Sit, I need to go grab my cup of tea, do you want anything?" She shakes her head, I go to the kitchen, grab my cup and sit down on the sofa in front of Amber "what happened to your voice?" I shake my head after taking a sip and put my cup down "got mad yesterday and I guess I went a little to hard screaming and fucked up my voice." I croak out "I'm sorry, you probably got mad because of me right?" I shake my head "it's fine... So what did you want to talk about?"

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