Chapter Five: Walk Away

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I wake up to sounds coming from downstairs so I stretch and rub my face to see my dad isn't laying down with me anymore. I get sad because I like cuddling with him but he probably had something more important to do. I sit up, slide out of bed, and put on my puppy slippers because it's kind of chilly in Ivan's room right now. I grab my monkey and see one of Ivan's hoodies on a chair so I put my monkey on his desk so I can slip it on, and I instantly enjoy how big it is and how warm it makes me. I grab my monkey again hugging it as I slowly make my way down the hall and down the stairs carefully.

When I get downstairs and follow the noises I see Allie in the kitchen cooking something that smells really good. She spots me standing with my monkey and smiles sweetly at me "good morning sweetie, I was gonna wake you up when I was done making breakfast."

"I got kind of cold, and I kind of freaked out because when I woke up my dad wasn't laying with me anymore so I got up to see what all the noise was." She stops and looks at me with a small smile as I crawl up this stool "I'm sorry sweetie he had to go deal with some legal stuff today and I believe tomorrow too, but he said he should be out by lunch time so he's gonna meet us for lunch when we go out and do what he wanted us to do today." She's about to start cooking again "oh! He also wanted me to tell you he loves you and give you this" she kisses my head "and this" she hugs me tight making me smile.

She continues to cook and serve up two plates "what did daddy want us to do today?" She puts a plate down in front of me with scrambled eggs, bacons, and chocolate chips pancakes "you're not allergic to chocolate right?" I shake my head "no mam. I'm not allergic to anything" she smiles "alright, and your dad wanted us to get you some stuff for that room he showed you that's gonna be your."

"Ok" she smiles and hands me a fork, butter knife, and places the roll of napkins on the table before placing her utensils on the table too. She goes to the fridge "I have orange juice, milk, and water which one would you like to drink with your food?"

"Orange juice please" she smiles "good choice" she pulls out two cups and pours juice in them before putting one by me and the other where she's gonna sit.

After we finish eating Allie tells me to run up and get ready to leave so I run upstairs with my monkey, and turn the light on before tossing my monkey on the bed, and finding some clothes to put on. I take my pajamas off, and put Ivan's jacket on the bed before slipping on my red spiderman shirt, and my black shorts. I toss my dirty laundry in this basket Ivan showed me where to put dirty clothes, and then I run and jump on to the bed so I can slip on my socks and shoes. I quickly put my hair up into a ponytail with a ribbon tied in it, wash up, and grab Ivan's jacket before meeting Allie downstairs by the door. "You ready?" I smile and nod, she smiles "alright go wait for me by the car, I'll be there in a second I'm gonna make sure everything is turned off." I nod and take off walking to her car, and lean on it as I wait and after a while she comes out, and we take off to the mall.


Ivan's POV:

I walk out of that horrible building and get into my car and sigh thank god I listened to my mom and dressed professional for this meeting I had because I didn't get as judged as I probably would if I dressed like I did normally. All morning I had to talk to several people about having full custody of Ashley and I won't get the final decision till maybe around Ash's birthday, because they need to look more into the story. I sigh and just as I turn my car on and I'm about to drive off my cell phone rings, I pull it out of my pocket and see it's my mom. "Hey mom, how's it going with Ash? Did you guys get what you needed?"

"Yeah, I found her some more clothes, I got her a few more pairs of shoes since all she has are those worn out red ones, I got her paint for her room, and we just finished getting all the bed stuff and some other little stuff for decorations. We were just wondering where you wanted to eat for lunch?"

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