Chapter Two: No one gets left behind

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Ivan's POV:

We just walked Ash halfway to where the shelter is that she stays at and some fans just stopped us after Ash said bye to us and started walking away. I'm signing some girls CD, and she's about to tell me something when out of nowhere we hear yelling that sounds like Ash, and then we hear a gunshot. Me and the guys start running to where we heard the gun to make sure it wasn't Ash, and my heart drops with what we see. Ash slowly comes out of the alleyway holding her stomach with one hand and holding on to the wall with the other, she moves her hand and looks down at the blood all over her hand and shirt, then out of nowhere she blacks out and collapses to the floor.

"Jeremy hurry and run her back to the ambulance that was still at the venue when we left!" After Jeremy carefully picks her up and starts running with her in his arms I see a guy wearing a jacket with his hood on come out of the alleyway shoving a gun into the back of his pants. I instantly see red and take off running after him and tackle him down to the ground. "You like fucking with little girls you ass hole!!??" I start punching this piece of shit non stop "dude enough! He's out cold already, you're gonna kill him! The cops are already on their way." Jason says as he pulls me off of the guy, I start pacing back forth "I really don't give a shit, that mother fucker deserves it! Who the fuck shoots a little innocent little girl?! Fuck!" I yell and cover my face as I crouch down and feel myself wanting to cry, I feel Jason put his hand on my shoulder "dude just calm down, we don't need you going to jail for killing a man. Think about what that would do to you, and the band, think about how that would affect Ash if she really is your daughter." I nod and feel a few tears run down my cheeks "I'm sorry I just lost it because she's just a sweet and innocent little girl, who the fuck does that to a little girl dude? Who would want to hurt a little girl like her?" I start crying so I cover my face, and I feel Jason hug me and start rubbing my back "hey, she's a strong little girl for her age, she's a fighter, she's gonna be ok dude."

The cops finally come, and they take the guy and put him into their car before asking us a few questions about what happened, and why this guy would want to shoot Ash, and after they let us go we take of running back to the venue to find Zoe and Chris waiting for us in a car that Brad had rented. "Hurry, Jeremy's waiting for us at the hospital, he wanted us to wait for you guys so you had a ride there." We both jump in the car and Zoe takes off and all I can do is hope that Jason is right, and Ash makes it through this.

Ashley's POV:

I wake up with a my stomach feeling sore as hell, and the side of my face kind of hurting I groan and rub my eyes and see that one of my eyes won't open. I look around the best I can, and I see that I'm in a hospital by myself. A nurse comes in and smiles '"you're awake! How are you feeling sweetie?"

"My stomach feels really sore, and my face kind of huts" she nods "well that's normal sweetie, you were in surgery last night, and you have a black eye right now from someone hitting you. I'm gonna check your vitals, and after I'm done here I can try and do something about getting you you're lunch earlier so you can take your medicines." I nod and she starts checking me, and writing some stuff down "oh you have some visitors out in the waiting room, are you up to seeing people?" I nod "sure, I don't mind" she nods and smiles "I'll go tell them you're awake, I'll bring you an Ice pack for your eye, and then I'll come back later with your lunch." I smile the best I can "thank you miss, I appreciate it" she smiles "no problem sweetie."

After she leaves I start wondering who is out there waiting for me to wake up, after awhile of me messing with my hands and looking at all the machines that I'm connected to in comes Ivan, Jason, and Jeremy causing me to smile. "Hey you guys are here? I thought you all would have left" Jason shakes his head "we told our crew and everyone we weren't leaving until we found out that you were OK. Zoe had to drag us out of here last night because we wouldn't leave and he wanted us to go to sleep since you weren't out of surgery still, and it was getting really late. Here the nurse wanted to give you this for your eye." Jason hands me an Ice pack, and I smile before placing it on my eye "thanks." They all smile, and sit near my bed "how are you feeling? I didn't know that guy had punched you." Jeremy asks "Yeah he had punched me in the face but then I started yelling for help, and I was fighting with him so he shot me to shut me up. But I'm OK my stomach is just sore as hell right now, and my face kind of hurts but this ice pack is helping a lot." They all nod, and then I notice Ivan's hands wrapped up with bandages as he scratches his face "oh my god what happened to your hands Ivan?" His eyes go wide "what happened after I blacked out?"

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